Populate select TVs with a list of resource.
The idea is to populate a (multi-)select list with a list of resources,
returning the id(s) in templates, snippetrs and chunks.
This approach is much more flexible as the one offered by the resource TV.
Important: This is not a snippet or a plugin. Use @EVEL or @SELECT code as input value for a TV.
/* Example 1
Return a simple list with pagetitles filtered by parent and id and ordered by menuindex:
@SELECT pagetitle, id FROM [[+PREFIX]]site_content WHERE (parent=899 AND id<>1058) ORDER BY menuindex
/* Example 2a
Add the resource id behind the pagetitle
This one is using @EVAL and getResources.
Source: http://forums.modx.com/thread/79645/sorting-tv-resourcelist-by-title-instead-by-id#dis-post-442004
Credits: http://forums.modx.com/u/Bruno17
@EVAL $output = $modx->runSnippet(
,'tpl'=>'@INLINE [[+pagetitle]]([[+id]])==[[+id]]'
return 'choose one==||' . $output;
/* Example 2b:
You can achieve the same thing with @SELECT using this code
Source: https://gist.github.com/silentworks/3608022
Credits: https://gist.github.com/justinkv
@SELECT CONCAT(`pagetitle`,' (',`id`, ')') AS `name`,`id` FROM `[[+PREFIX]]site_content` WHERE `published` = 1 AND `deleted` = 0
/* Much shorter: */
/* Example 3
Create resource list filtered by a Tv value and a template id using JOIN.
Credits: http://forums.modx.com/u/Dimmy
Source: http://forums.modx.com/thread/20044/tuturial---use-select-and-checkbox-tv-to-populate-pulldown-listmenu-tv
@SELECT pagetitle,contentid FROM `[[+PREFIX]]site_content` AS c JOIN `[[+PREFIX]]site_tmplvar_contentvalues` AS t ON c.id=t.contentid WHERE tmplvarid = 4 AND value = 'ja' AND template = 8