11/9/2017 - 11:54 AM

Some tips and resources about vi editor

Some tips and resources about vi editor

#Help for command on vi - ej:delete
[Esc]:h x

#Edit multiple files. From shell:
vi file1 file2
  #Write to file1 and NEXT to file2
  #Next to follow file
  #List files online

#Edit at line 6 file1
vi file1 +6
#Edit at first word "privdata" on file1
vi +/privdata file1

#Where we are

#Insert Mode
#Command Mode
#Insert mode next position

#Save file


#Save and exit
# and force with !

#Save file
# View Number lines
[Esc]:set nu
[Esc]:set number

# Un-number lines
[Esc]:set nu!
[Esc]:set nonu

#Go to the first line
#Go to the last line
#Go to the line 4
#Go to the next word
#Go to the init current line


#Copy content from file
[Esc]:r /etc/passwd

#Copy output of commands
[Esc]:r!ip a|awk '/global/{print $2}'
[Esc]:r!df |grep -w \/ |awk '{print $4}'

#Execute command on console and return to vi

#Load shell and returns to vi on fly

#Backup/copy of current vi on other file
[Esc]:w! file.bck

#Backup/copy of current line in other file
[Esc]:4w! L4
#or lines range
[Esc]:1,3w! L1-3

#Search string "privdata" into file1 and search the followings
#Or return previous match

# display changes performed since last save
:w !diff % –
#Replace on all file "hello" to "bye"
[Esc]:% s/hello/bye/g


#1,$ = %  = all lines

#Replace mac address, symbols...etc

#Multiline Comment from 66 to 70:

#and for uncomment:

#Add BUF=14000 at end of each line
:%s/$/ BUF=14000/g

#Delete from current line to end file

#Delete word at initial

#Delete blank lines

#Copy line
#Paste line

#Copy current line to next line
#Copy current line to end of file
#or current line on concrete line

#Copy line n after line m
[Esc]:n copy m

#Copy line 2 to current line

#Copy line 1 to 5 after m line
[Esc]:1,5 copy m

#Move line 2 to current line

#Move lines 1 to 5 from current line

#Move previous line to current
#Move previous 4 lines to current

#Execute current [language] script
[Esc]!:python %
[Esc]!:ruby %

#History browse command mode

#Keyboard MAP - English
#Keyboard MAP - Spanish

#PDF & Gifs tutorial Vi from