9/7/2017 - 7:20 PM

Project Inquiries

Project Inquiries

Project Inquiry Custom Formulas [ New ]

‎06-05-2015 01:59 PM - last edited on ‎11-04-2016 02:13 PM by JakeProsser Moderator

Custom Formulas


    Project Inquiry: Get Last Invoice Number Used

SELECT TOP 1 ciInvoiceNumber


(SELECT TOP 1 igProject, ciInvoiceNumber, ciInvoiceDate FROM AxClientInvoice

LEFT JOIN AxInvoiceGroup ON igKey = ciInvoiceGroup WHERE igProject =

 [Project Key] ORDER BY igProject, ciInvoiceDate DESC) SUB

Note: Only works with one invoice group


    Phase Inquiry: Get Last Invoice Number Used

SELECT TOP 1 ciInvoiceNumber


(SELECT TOP 1 prjKey, ciInvoiceNumber, ciInvoiceDate FROM AxProject

LEFT JOIN AxClientInvoice ON ciInvoiceGroup = prjInvoiceGroup WHERE prjKey =

[Phase Key] ORDER BY prjKey, ciInvoiceDate DESC) SUB

    Phase Inquiry: To add Project status (normally only displays phase status):

SELECT prjMainProjectStatusDescription FROM Project WHERE prjKey = [Project Key]


    Project Inquiry: Get Last Invoice Date Used:

SELECT TOP 1 ciInvoiceDate


(SELECT TOP 1 igProject, ciInvoiceNumber, ciInvoiceDate FROM AxClientInvoice

LEFT JOIN AxInvoiceGroup ON igKey = ciInvoiceGroup WHERE igProject =

 [Project Key] ORDER BY igProject, ciInvoiceDate DESC) SUB


    Project Inquiry: Direct Expense and Consultant Combined with a Date Range

Note: Edit the formular to replace the date range.

SELECT SUM (tCostAmount) FROM CurrentTransactions WHERE

tActivityType IN (2,3)

AND tMainProject = [Project Key]

AND tstatus < 5

AND tDate BETWEEN '01-01-1900' AND '12-31-2078'


    Project Inquiry: Add Client Type column

SELECT ctDescription FROM AxVEC JOIN AxClientType on vecClientType = ctKey WHERE veckey = [Client Key]


    Project Inquiry: Add project created data

Select prjcreateddate from AxProject where prjkey = [Project Key]


    Project Inquiry: Get Last Labor Transaction Created

select MAX(tdate) from AxTransaction
join AxProject on tproject = prjkey
where prjProject = [Project Key]
and tiscurrent = 1
and tactivitytype = 1
and ttype in (0, 2)


    Project Inquiry: Amount invoiced

SELECT SUM(ciInvoiceAmount)

FROM ClientInvoice

WHERE prjProject = [Project Key]


    Project Inquiry : Billing Contact Phone Number

SELECT cntPhone1 FROM axContact WHERE cntKey = [Billing Contact Key]


      Project Inquiry : Billing Type


SELECT prjbillingtypedescription FROM project WHERE prjkey = [project key]


To Use these Custom Formulas

Copy the desired Formula into the definition of your Inquiry column.