8/6/2014 - 1:50 AM

code.google.com issue tracker notes

code.google.com issue tracker notes

# our code.google.com issue pages
# 1st page

# 1st page, link to Next

# 2nd page, link to Next

# 3rd page, link to Next

# easy way to download "all" issues as one CSV file (we have 321 issues in total,
# the following will attempt to download up to 500 into one .csv file)
wget -O `date "+%Y-%m-%d"`-ala-google-code-issues-raw.csv https://code.google.com/p/ala/issues/csv?num=500

# or using curl:
curl -s https://code.google.com/p/ala/issues/csv?num=500 > `date "+%Y-%m-%d"`-ala-google-code-issues-raw.csv

# chop off the first line (it contains the keys - column names)
# NOTE: one could modify the python script to use the first line to read the key
# names instead of having them hardcoded in the python; that would eliminate the
# need for this deletion too.
tail -n +2 2014-08-06-ala-google-code-issues-raw.csv > 2014-08-06-ala-google-code-issues.csv