11/8/2019 - 2:24 PM

vcard creator

This creates a .vcf file from the post types.

Create a VCard For Brokers (this was first built for Mericle) Return the last segment of the URI

This feature works by creating/modifying a vcf file when a broker post type is saved. the template then points to that saved file. File will not create if you don't Save/Update the post type.

@TODO To complete this, you need to create a '/vcard' folder in your template directory.

Also add the following code to link where it lives.


 * Create a VCard For Brokers (this was first built for Mericle)
 * Return the last segment of the URI
 * This feature works by creating/modifying a vcf file when a broker post type is saved. the template then points to that saved file.
 * File will not create if you don't Save/Update the post type.
 * @TODO To complete this, you need to create a '/vcard' folder in your template directory.
 * Also - add the following code to link where it lives:
 *					<?php
 *					$vcfname = $post->post_name;
 *					$uploadfile = wp_get_upload_dir();
 *					$uploadfile = $uploadfile["basedir"]."/vcard/";
 *					?>
 *					<a href="<?php echo $uploadfile ?><?php echo $vcfname; ?>.vcf" download><i  *	class="team-hero__social-link--vcard"></i> Download Vcard</a>

function create_vCard( $post_id ) {

$post_type = get_post_type($post_id);

// Should only action if 'brokers' post type is saved
if ( "brokers" != $post_type ) return;

$id = get_the_ID();
$thumbnailid = get_post_thumbnail_id($post_id, 'medium');
$img = ( get_attached_file( $thumbnailid ) );

$img = file_get_contents($img);
$imgencode = base64_encode( $img );

$vpost = get_post($post->ID);
$filename = $vpost->post_name.".vcf";
header('Content-type: text/x-vcard; charset=utf-8');
header("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=".$filename);
$data.="TITLE:" .get_field('position',$id)."\n";
$data.="ORG:Mericle Commercial Real Estate Group\n";
$data.="EMAIL;PREF;INTERNET:" .get_field('email',$id)."\n";
$data.="TEL;WORK;VOICE:" .get_field('phone',$id)."\n";
$data.="TEL;CELL;VOICE:" .get_field('cellphone',$id)."\n";
$data.="TEL;WORK;FAX:" .get_field('faxnumber',$id)."\n";
$data.="EMAIL;PREF;INTERNET:" .get_field('email',$id)."\n";

$data.='X-MS-OL-DESIGN;CHARSET=utf-8:<card xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/office/outlook/12/electronicbusinesscards" ver="1.0" layout="left" bgcolor="ffffff"><img xmlns="" align="tleft" area="32" use="photo"/><fld xmlns="" prop="name" align="left" dir="ltr" style="b" color="000000" size="10"/><fld xmlns="" prop="org" align="left" dir="ltr" color="000000" size="8"/><fld xmlns="" prop="title" align="left" dir="ltr" color="000000" size="8"/><fld xmlns="" prop="blank" size="8"/><fld xmlns="" prop="telwork" align="left" dir="ltr" color="000000" size="8"><label align="right" color="626262">Work</label></fld><fld xmlns="" prop="email" align="left" dir="ltr" color="000000" size="8"/><fld xmlns="" prop="addrwork" align="left" dir="ltr" color="000000" size="8"/><fld xmlns="" prop="webwork" align="left" dir="ltr" color="000000" size="8"/><fld xmlns="" prop="blank" size="8"/><fld xmlns="" prop="blank" size="8"/><fld xmlns="" prop="blank" size="8"/><fld xmlns="" prop="blank" size="8"/><fld xmlns="" prop="blank" size="8"/><fld xmlns="" prop="blank" size="8"/><fld xmlns="" prop="blank" size="8"/><fld xmlns="" prop="blank" size="8"/></card>';

$filePath = wp_upload_dir()["basedir"].'/vcard/'.$filename;
$file = fopen($filePath,"w");
add_action( 'save_post', 'create_vCard' );
					$vcfname = $post->post_name;
					$uploadfile = wp_get_upload_dir();
					$uploadfile = $uploadfile["basedir"]."/vcard/";
					<a href="<?php echo $uploadfile ?><?php echo $vcfname; ?>.vcf" download><i class="team-hero__social-link--vcard"></i> Download Vcard</a>