10/13/2015 - 1:57 PM

rename git branch locally and remotely

rename git branch locally and remotely

git branch -m old_branch new_branch         # Rename branch locally    
git push origin :old_branch                 # Delete the old branch    
git push --set-upstream origin new_branch   # Push the new branch, set local branch to track the new remote

# Revert to a commit
git reset --hard 0d1d7fc32

# Replace a Branch with another
git checkout master
git reset --hard experiment

# migrate commits
git checkout newbranch
git cherry-pick 612ecb3
git cherry-pick 453ac3d
git cherry-pick 9aa1233

# delete remote branch
git push origin --delete <branchName>

# search for a string in code history
git log -Sallow_billpay

# delete all stashes
git stash clear

# clear History
git branch -D api2

# delete branch
git checkout --orphan temp $1
git commit --allow-empty -m "Truncate history"
git rebase --onto temp $1 master
git branch -D temp
git gc