XPath Syntax https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms256471 XPath Functions https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms256138 XPath Collections https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms256090
$file = "D:\dev\eCargo\Reports\Source\eCargo Reports.rptproj"
$iDoc = [xml](get-content $file)
$removeNode = $iDoc.SelectSingleNode("//ProjectItem[Name='Lodestar Accruals Report Summary.rdl']")
gci "D:\Vault\LegacyEventQueuePayloads\chh_delvry01\*.xml" | % {
$fileName = $_.FullName
$delvDoc = [xml](get-content "$fileName")
$lprNode = (select-xml -xpath "//E1EDL20[./E1EDL21/LPRIO='04']" -xml $delvDoc )
$sprNode = (select-xml -xpath "//E1EDL20[./E1EDL24/SPART='32']" -xml $delvDoc )
$status = ""
if ($lprNode -ne $null) {
$status = "/LPRIO='04'"
if ($sprNode -ne $null) {
$status += " SPART='32'"
} else {
$status += " No Priority"
write-host $fileName
write-host $status
$oiDoc = [xml](get-content "C:\Users\ernest\eCargo\Tasks\EC-2659 Modify OI interface to support new DELVRY07 format\DELVRY 80433969 .xml" )
## Using []
## Get the all LGORT nodes under the first E1EDL24 node
select-xml -XPath "//E1EDL24[1]/LGORT" -Xml $oidoc | % { $_.Node }
## Get the first LGORT node under each E1EDL24 node
select-xml -XPath "//E1EDL24/LGORT[1]" -Xml $oidoc | % { $_.Node }
## environments.xml
$node = $environmentXNode.SelectNodes("//MachineName[text()='etidosapp']/parent::Server")
$ipaddress = $environmentXNode.SelectSingleNode("//MachineName[text()='etidosapp']/parent::Server/IpAddress")
$ipaddress."#text" = ''
# sample
$lookup = @{ etidosapp = '' ; etidosdata = '' }
$environmentXNode.SelectNodes("//Server") | % { $_; $_.MachineName ; $ip = $_.SelectSingleNode("IpAddress") ; $ip."#text" = $lookup[$_.MachineName] ; $ip."#text" }
$xmlFile = ""
$xml = [xml](gc $xmlFile)
## Shouldn't you have something here by now?
function Get-VmIpv4Address ($VmName) {
get-vmnetworkadapter -vmname "$VmName" | % { $_.IpAddresses } | ? { $_ -notmatch ":" } | select -first 1
function Update-VMIpAddresses {
function UpdateMachineIpAddress($serverNode) {
$machineName = $serverNode.MachineName
$ipNode = $serverNode.SelectSingleNode("IpAddress")
$ipAddress = (Get-VmIpv4Address $ipNode.MachineName)
$ipNode."#text" = $ipAddress
$environmentFile = gci $EnvironmentFilename
$environmentXNode = [xml](gc $environmentFile)
$environmentXNode.SelectNodes("//Server") | % { UpdateMachineIpAddress $_ }
## Update vm .hosts files
## Update host .hosts file
$xml = [xml](gc "D:\Tasks\AC-1743 XRays uploader problem\20201014-Update uploader config\UploaderConfig.xml")
$allPatientIds = $xml.MapperWorkerData.exProXraysConfigs.ExProXraysConfig | select -ExpandProperty externalPatientID
$patientIdsToUpload = gc "D:\Tasks\AC-1743 XRays uploader problem\20201014-Update uploader config\BoxHillPatientWithNoXrays.csv" | ConvertFrom-Csv | select -ExpandProperty ExternalPatientID
$patientsWithXrays = Compare-Object $allPatientIds $patientIdsToUpload | ? { $_.SideIndicator -eq '<=' } | select -ExpandProperty InputObject
$patientsWithXrays | sc "D:\Tasks\AC-1743 XRays uploader problem\20201014-Update uploader config\PatientsWithXRays.txt"
$patientsToRemove = gc "D:\Tasks\AC-1743 XRays uploader problem\20201014-Update uploader config\PatientsWithXRays.txt"
$patientsToRemove | % { $xpath = "/MapperWorkerData/exProXraysConfigs/ExProXraysConfig[externalPatientID='$_']" ; $node = $xml.SelectSingleNode($xpath) ; $node.ParentNode.RemoveChild($node) | out-null }
$xml.Save("D:\Tasks\AC-1743 XRays uploader problem\20201014-Update uploader config\UploaderConfig-Updated.xml")
$patientsNotFound = Compare-Object $allPatientIds $patientIdsToUpload | ? { $_.SideIndicator -eq '=>' }