v2 and v3 inappbrowser, appavailability, device
The difference is between ionic-native v 2.x and ionic native v3.x
ionic-native v 2.x
If this is the version, all cordova wrappers will be available in the particular package and the plugins are used as global objects imported directly from ionic-native.
V2 readme.
ionic native v3.x
This is the current version (as of now 3.4.4). You need to install npm install @ionic-native/core and then install the individual package.@ionic-native/[package-name]
For use you need to inject the plugin as a provider. Check answer here
参考 https://forum.ionicframework.com/t/ionic-opening-external-app/77932/3
興味深いけど、inappbrowserをaddしたらfacebook pluginが動かなくなるので
ionic plugin add cordova-plugin-inappbrowser
ionic plugin add cordova-plugin-appavailability
ionic plugin add cordova-plugin-device
import { InAppBrowser, AppAvailability, Device } from 'ionic-native';
launchExternalApp(iosSchemaName: string, androidPackageName: string, appUrl: string, httpUrl: string, username: string) {
let app: string;
if (Device.device.platform === 'iOS') {
app = iosSchemaName;
} else if (Device.device.platform === 'Android') {
app = androidPackageName;
} else {
let browser = new InAppBrowser(httpUrl + username, '_system');
() => { // success callback
let browser = new InAppBrowser(appUrl + username, '_system');
() => { // error callback
let browser = new InAppBrowser(httpUrl + username, '_system');
openInstagram(username: string) {
this.launchExternalApp('instagram://', 'com.instagram.android', 'instagram://user?username=', 'https://www.instagram.com/', username);
openTwitter(username: string) {
this.launchExternalApp('twitter://', 'com.twitter.android', 'twitter://user?screen_name=', 'https://twitter.com/', username);
openFacebook(username: string) {
this.launchExternalApp('fb://', 'com.facebook.katana', 'fb://profile/', 'https://www.facebook.com/', username);