Template support trait for scalatra
trait TemplateSupport extends ScalateSupport with Logging { self: (
ScalatraKernel with FlashMapSupport with CookieSupport { def servletContext: ServletContext }) =>
private var _viewsLocation = "/WEB-INF/views"
val Ssp = "ssp"
val Scaml = "scaml"
val Jade = "jade"
val Mustache = "mustache"
protected def viewsLocation =
if (_viewsLocation.endsWith("/")) _viewsLocation.substring(0, _viewsLocation.length - 1) else _viewsLocation
protected def viewsLocation_=(location: String ) = {
_viewsLocation = if (location.endsWith("/")) location.substring(0, location.length - 1) else location
protected def templatePath(templateName: String, extension: String = "ssp") = {
val ext = if (extension.startsWith(".")) extension else (".%s" format extension)
val templ = if (templateName.startsWith("/")) templateName else ("/%s" format templateName)
viewsLocation + templ + ext
protected def render(path: String, options: (String, Any)*) = {
log debug "Rendering template with path [%s] and options: %s".format(path, options)
renderTemplate(path, (("flash" -> flash) :: options.toList):_*)
protected def ssp(templateName: String, options: (String, Any)*) = {
render(templatePath(templateName, Ssp), options:_*)
protected def scaml(templateName: String, options: (String, Any)*) = {
render(templatePath(templateName, Scaml), options:_*)
protected def jade(templateName: String, options: (String, Any)*) = {
render(templatePath(templateName, Jade), options:_*)
protected def mustache(templateName: String, options: (String, Any)*) = {
render(templatePath(templateName, Mustache), options:_*)
override def createRenderContext: ServletRenderContext = {
templateEngine.bindings =
Binding("flash", "org.scalatra.FlashMap") ::
Binding("params", "scala.collection.Map[String, String]") ::
Binding("title", "String") ::
Binding("cookies", "org.scalatra.SweetCookies") ::
Binding("session", "org.scalatra.RichSession") :: templateEngine.bindings
val context = new ServletRenderContext(templateEngine, request, response, servletContext)
context.attributes.update("flash", flash)
context.attributes.update("cookies", self.cookies)
context.attributes.update("session", new RichSession(session))
context.attributes.update("params", params)
context.attributes.update("title", "")