Laravel Project Directory Structure Review
Can be deleted, simply tells editors/IDEs what formatting you like
Where important config details are stored e.g. database details (never commit to git)
Example of env file
Tells git how you want things to be stored - not important
Define which files and directories should be ignored from git
File that is triggered when you run php artisan
Config file that specifies all dependencies
Locks dependencies to specific versions to ensure consistency (should be commited to git)
Helps with front-end compilation
Not covered
Not covered
Wrapper around webpack, makes front-end compilation easier
Similar to composer.lock
Where all composer dependencies will be installed
Any tests that you write will go here
Home for various stage files e.g. logs
Where routes are stored
Where views, css, sass/less, and js is stored i.e. anything that needs to be compiled
Compiled files i.e. images, compiled js/css etc.
Stores migrations, factories, and seeds
Various config
How the framework boots itself, can mostly be ignored
The place where your app lives - models, controllers