11/28/2017 - 2:09 AM



" *************************************************************************
" tokuhirom's .vimrc file.
" curl -fLo ~/.vim/autoload/plug.vim --create-dirs
" :e ++enc=cp932
" *************************************************************************

set nocompatible " must be first!

" -------------------------------------------------------------------------
" :PlugInstall  Install plugins
" :PlugUpdate   Update plugins
" -------------------------------------------------------------------------

" -------------------------------------------------------------------------
" Basic settings.
" -------------------------------------------------------------------------

    nnoremap j gj
    nnoremap k gk
    nnoremap <c-a> <Nop>
    nnoremap <c-x> <Nop>

    set expandtab
    set shiftround
    set autoindent
    set backspace=indent,eol,start
    set hidden
    set history=50
    set hlsearch
    set ignorecase
    set incsearch
    set laststatus=2
    set nobackup
    set ruler
    set shiftwidth=4
    set showcmd
    set showmatch
    set smartcase
    set statusline=%<%f\ %m%r%h%w%{'['.(&fenc!=''?&fenc:&enc).']['.&ff.']'}%=%l,%c%V%8P
    set tabstop=4
    set wrapscan
    syntax on
    " Auto save.
    " autocmd CursorHold * update
    set updatetime=500
    set encoding=utf-8
    set fileencoding=utf-8
    set fileencodings=utf-8,utf-16,euc-jp,iso-2022-jp,cp932
    set ambw=double
    set modeline
    set modelines=5

    " set spellfile=~/.spell-dict

    " .swp files output to:
    set directory=~/.vim/tmp

    " Highlight white space in EOL
    highlight WhitespaceEOL ctermbg=red guibg=red
    match WhitespaceEOL /\s\+$/
    autocmd WinEnter * match WhitespaceEOL /\s\+$/

" -------------------------------------------------------------------------
" vim plugins
" -------------------------------------------------------------------------

    filetype off                  " required

    call plug#begin('~/.vim/plugged')

    Plug 'bling/vim-airline'

    " mattn-san recommend to use this. This plugin enables c/c++ completions.
    Plug 'justmao945/vim-clang'
    " auto format c/c++ code.
    Plug 'rhysd/vim-clang-format'

    " snippets
    Plug 'SirVer/ultisnips'
    " vim-snippets repo contains snipMate & UltiSnip Snippets.
    Plug 'honza/vim-snippets'

    Plug 'LeafCage/yankround.vim'

    " ctrlp
    Plug 'ctrlpvim/ctrlp.vim'

    " color scheme
    Plug 'w0ng/vim-hybrid'

    Plug 'rhysd/clever-f.vim'

    Plug 'osyo-manga/vim-anzu'

    Plug 'kien/rainbow_parentheses.vim'

    Plug 'fuenor/qfixhowm'

    " language support
    Plug 'fatih/vim-go'
    Plug 'dgryski/vim-godef'
    Plug 'kelan/gyp.vim'
    Plug 'groenewege/vim-less'
    Plug 'tokuhirom/vim-markdown'
    Plug 'cespare/vim-toml'
    Plug 'vim-perl/vim-perl'
    Plug 'mattn/vim-p6doc'
    Plug 'pangloss/vim-javascript'
    Plug 'moznion/vim-cpanfile'
    " Plug "juvenn/mustache.vim"
    Plug 'cakebaker/scss-syntax.vim'
    Plug 'aklt/plantuml-syntax'
    Plug 'derekwyatt/vim-scala'
    Plug 'posva/vim-vue'
    Plug 'pearofducks/ansible-vim'

    " quickfix の該当箇所にカーソルを移動させるとエラー内容がコマンドウィンドウに出力される
    Plug 'dannyob/quickfixstatus'

    " Perl thing
    Plug 'y-uuki/perl-local-lib-path.vim'

    Plug 'Shougo/vimproc.vim', { 'do': 'make' }

    " Show xterm 256 color table.
    Plug 'guns/xterm-color-table.vim', { 'on': 'XtermColorTable' }

    Plug 'fholgado/minibufexpl.vim'

    Plug 'editorconfig/editorconfig-vim'

    call plug#end()
    filetype plugin indent on

" ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
" color
" ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 

    " Enable 256 colors mode.
    set t_Co=256
    set background=dark

    colorscheme hybrid

" vim-anzu
" display "n/m" in search result

    " mapping
    nmap n <Plug>(anzu-n-with-echo)
    nmap N <Plug>(anzu-N-with-echo)
    nmap * <Plug>(anzu-star-with-echo)
    nmap # <Plug>(anzu-sharp-with-echo)

    " clear status
    nmap <Esc><Esc> <Plug>(anzu-clear-search-status)

    " statusline
    set statusline=%{anzu#search_status()}

" -------------------------------------------------------------------------
" matchit(jump between html open tag and html close tag)
"    ref.
" -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    source $VIMRUNTIME/macros/matchit.vim

" ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
" actionscript
" ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
    autocmd BufRead *.as set filetype=javascript

" ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
" ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
    autocmd BufRead *.sql set filetype=mysql

" -------------------------------------------------------------------------
"  tags
" -------------------------------------------------------------------------
   set tags+=tags;

" -------------------------------------------------------------------------
"  scss
" -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    au BufRead,BufNewFile *.scss set filetype=scss

    set expandtab

" -------------------------------------------------------------------------
" ruby
" -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    autocmd FileType ruby setlocal ts=2 sw=2 sts=0

" ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
" path
" ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
   let $PATH="/usr/bin/:/usr/local/bin/:" . $PATH
   set path = "lib,/usr/local/bin/,."

" rainbow_parentheses
" ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 

    let g:rbpt_colorpairs = [
        \ ['brown',       'RoyalBlue3'],
        \ ['Darkblue',    'SeaGreen3'],
        \ ['darkgray',    'DarkOrchid3'],
        \ ['darkgreen',   'firebrick3'],
        \ ['darkcyan',    'RoyalBlue3'],
        \ ['darkred',     'SeaGreen3'],
        \ ['darkmagenta', 'DarkOrchid3'],
        \ ['brown',       'firebrick3'],
        \ ['gray',        'RoyalBlue3'],
        \ ['black',       'SeaGreen3'],
        \ ['darkmagenta', 'DarkOrchid3'],
        \ ['Darkblue',    'firebrick3'],
        \ ['darkgreen',   'RoyalBlue3'],
        \ ['darkcyan',    'SeaGreen3'],
        \ ['darkred',     'DarkOrchid3'],
        \ ['red',         'firebrick3'],
        \ ]
    let g:rbpt_max = 16
    let g:rbpt_loadcmd_toggle = 0

    au VimEnter * RainbowParenthesesToggle
    au Syntax * RainbowParenthesesLoadRound
    au Syntax * RainbowParenthesesLoadSquare
    au Syntax * RainbowParenthesesLoadBraces

" html
" ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 

    autocmd FileType html setlocal expandtab shiftwidth=2 tabstop=2
    autocmd FileType eruby setlocal expandtab shiftwidth=2 tabstop=2
    autocmd FileType xml setlocal expandtab shiftwidth=2 tabstop=2
    autocmd FileType tt2html setlocal expandtab shiftwidth=2 tabstop=2
    autocmd FileType markdown setlocal expandtab shiftwidth=4 tabstop=4

" c
" ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 

    autocmd FileType c setlocal expandtab ts=2 sw=2 sts=0
    autocmd FileType cpp setlocal expandtab ts=2 sw=2 sts=0
    autocmd FileType yacc setlocal expandtab ts=2 sw=2 sts=0

    function! s:clang_format()
        let now_line = line(".")
        exec ":%! clang-format"
        exec ":" . now_line

    if executable('clang-format')
        augroup cpp_clang_format
            autocmd BufWrite,FileWritePre,FileAppendPre *.[ch] call s:clang_format()
        augroup END

" -------------------------------------------------------------------------
" ChangeLog
" -------------------------------------------------------------------------

    let g:changelog_username = 'tokuhirom <>'
    let g:changelog_timeformat = "%Y-%m-%d(%a)"
    " map ,d <Esc>:exec 'edit ~/Dropbox/ChangeLogs/' . hostname() . '/ChangeLog'<CR>

" -------------------------------------------------------------------------
" OSX crontab hack.
" -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    " autocmd BufRead /tmp/crontab.* :set nobackup nowritebackup

" -------------------------------------------------------------------------
" ctrlp
" -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    let g:ctrlp_map = '<c-p>'
    let g:ctrlp_cmd = 'CtrlPMixed'

    if executable('ag')
        let g:ctrlp_use_caching = 0
        let g:ctrlp_user_command = 'ag -l -i --nocolor --nogroup --hidden --ignore .git -g "" %s'        " MacOSX/Linux
    " let g:ctrlp_user_command = 'find %s -type f'        " MacOSX/Linux
    let g:ctrlp_root_markers = ['pom.xml', '.p4ignore']

    let g:ctrlp_max_depth = 10
    let g:ctrlp_clear_cache_on_exit = 1

    set wildignore+=*/build/**
    set wildignore+=*/tmp/*,*.so,*.swp,*.zip,*.class

    " let g:ctrlp_custom_ignore = '\v[\/](\.(git|hg|svn|cpanm|cache|plenv)|blib)$'
    let g:ctrlp_custom_ignore = {
    \ 'dir':  '\v[\/](\.(git|hg|svn|gradle)|target|blib)$',
    \ 'file': '\.(exe|so|dll|class)$',
    \ }

    " Guess vcs root dir
    let g:ctrlp_working_path_mode = 'ra'
    " Open new file in current window
    let g:ctrlp_open_new_file = 'r'

    let g:ctrlp_extensions = ['tag', 'quickfix', 'dir', 'line', 'mixed']
    let g:ctrlp_match_window = 'bottom,order:btt,min:1,max:18'

    nnoremap bg :<C-u>CtrlPMixed<CR>
    nnoremap bt :<C-u>CtrlPTag<CR>

" -------------------------------------------------------------------------
" golang
" -------------------------------------------------------------------------

    " gocode
    if $GOROOT != ''
        " go get -u
        exe "set rtp+=" . globpath($GOPATH, "src/")
        " gocode
        " go get
        exe "set rtp+=".globpath($GOPATH, "src/")

    "  mkdir -p $GOPATH/bin
    "  go get
    "  $GOPATH/src/

    let g:gofmt_command = 'goimports'

    autocmd BufNewFile *.go 0r $HOME/.templates/go.txt

    au BufNewFile,BufRead *.go set sw=4 noexpandtab ts=4
    au FileType go compiler go

    let g:go_highlight_functions = 1
    let g:go_highlight_methods = 1
    let g:go_highlight_structs = 1
    let g:go_highlight_operators = 1
    let g:go_highlight_build_constraints = 1

    autocmd FileType go nnoremap gi :GoImports<cr><esc>:w<cr>

" -------------------------------------------------------------------------
" groovy
" -------------------------------------------------------------------------

    autocmd FileType groovy setlocal expandtab shiftwidth=4 tabstop=4 softtabstop=4
    augroup filetypedetect
    autocmd! BufNewFile,BufRead *.gradle setf groovy
    augroup END

    autocmd BufNewFile build.gradle  0r $HOME/.templates/build.gradle

" -------------------------------------------------------------------------
" perl
" -------------------------------------------------------------------------

    iabbrev ,# # =========================================================================
    iabbrev .# # -------------------------------------------------------------------------

    " autocmd FileType perl setlocal spell spelllang=en_us

    let perl_include_pod = 1

    au BufNewFile,BufRead cpanfile set filetype=cpanfile
    au BufNewFile,BufRead cpanfile set syntax=perl.cpanfile
    au BufNewFile,BufRead *.nqp setf perl6
    au BufNewFile,BufRead *.psgi6 setf perl6
    autocmd FileType perl PerlLocalLibPath

    " folding
    " zM: close all
    " zo: open
    " zm: close
    " zc: close
    " zR: open all
    " let perl_fold = 1
    " let perl_nofold_packages=1
    " set fdm=syntax

    set iskeyword+=:  " make tags with :: in them useful

    "check for Perl 6 code
    function! LooksLikePerl6 ()
    if getline(1) =~# '^#!.*/bin/.*perl6'
        set filetype=perl6
        for i in [1,2,3,4,5]
        if getline(i) == 'use v6;'
            set filetype=perl6

    au bufRead *.pm,*.t,*.pl call LooksLikePerl6()

    augroup filetypedetect
        autocmd! BufNewFile,BufRead *.psgi setf perl
        autocmd! BufNewFile,BufRead cpanfile setf perl
        autocmd! BufNewFile,BufRead *.tt setf tt2html
        autocmd! BufNewFile,BufRead *.tj setf tj
        autocmd! BufNewFile,BufRead *.ejs setf html
        autocmd! BufNewFile,BufRead *.html.ftl setf html.ftl
        autocmd! BufNewFile,BufRead *.xml setf xml
    augroup END

    au BufRead,BufNewFile Makefile* setlocal noexpandtab

    autocmd BufNewFile *.pl 0r $HOME/.templates/perl-script.txt
    autocmd BufNewFile *.t  0r $HOME/.templates/perl-test.txt

    function! s:pm_template()
        let path = substitute(expand('%'), '.*lib/', '', 'g')
        let path = substitute(path, '[\\/]', '::', 'g')
        let path = substitute(path, '\.pm$', '', 'g')

        call append(0, 'package ' . path . ';')
        call append(1, 'use strict;')
        call append(2, 'use warnings;')
        call append(3, 'use utf8;')
        call append(4, 'use 5.010_001;')
        call append(5, '')
        call append(6, '')
        call append(7, '')
        call append(8, '1;')
        call cursor(6, 0)
        " echomsg path
    autocmd BufNewFile *.pm call s:pm_template()

" -------------------------------------------------------------------------
" perltidy
" -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    map ,pt <Esc>:%! perltidy -se<CR>
    map ,ptv <Esc>:'<,'>! perltidy -se<CR>

" -------------------------------------------------------------------------
" package name validation for perl
" -------------------------------------------------------------------------

    scriptencoding utf-8

    function! s:get_package_name()
        let mx = '^\s*package\s\+\([^ ;]\+\)'
        for line in getline(1, 5)
        if line =~ mx
        return substitute(matchstr(line, mx), mx, '\1', '')
        return ""

    function! s:check_package_name()
        let path = substitute(expand('%:p'), '\\', '/', 'g')
        let name = substitute(s:get_package_name(), '::', '/', 'g') . '.pm'
        if path[-len(name):] != name
            echohl WarningMsg
            echomsg "File name and package name is not matched"
            echohl None

    au! BufWritePost *.pm call s:check_package_name()

" -------------------------------------------------------------------------
" tabs
" -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    nnoremap <silent> gd :<C-u>bdelete<CR>
    nnoremap <silent> gn :<C-u>bnext<CR>
    nnoremap <silent> gp :<C-u>bprevious<CR>

" -------------------------------------------------------------------------
" UltiSnips
" -------------------------------------------------------------------------

    let g:UltiSnipsSnippetDirectories = ["UltiSnips"]