2/11/2019 - 9:46 AM

Using buildah + podman + skopeo in a container workflow

Using buildah + podman + skopeo in a container workflow

  # 501  buildah images
  502  sudo buildah images
  # 503  pkgfile subuid
  # 504  sudo buildah from fedora --name builder
  505  sudo buildah from --name builder fedora # this creates a new builder container; which we'll remove after commiting changes on it to an image 
  506  sudo buildah images
  507  sudo buildah containers
  508  sudo buildah run builder -- /usr/bin/dnf install httpd -y
  509  sudo buildah run builder -- /usr/bin/dnf clean all
  510  echo "Hello from buildah, podman, and skopeo!" > /tmp/index.html
  511  sudo buildah copy builder /tmp/index.html /var/www/html/index.html
  # 512  sudo buildah config --port 80
  513  sudo buildah config --port 80 builder
  514  sudo buildah config --cmd "/usr/sbin/httpd -DFOREGROUND" builder
  515  sudo buildah commit builder navigaid/fedora-httpd # convert the builder container into an image
  516  sudo buildah images
  517  sudo buildah containers
  # 518  sudo buildah rmi builder
  519  sudo buildah rm builder
  520  history
sudo skopeo copy containers-storage:localhost/navigaid/fedora-httpd docker://navigaid/fedora-httpd:latest