Initial BETA of ppbHelpManager Plugin for MODX
ppbHelpManager Plugin
Version: 0.0.1e - This is a BETA version. Use it at your own risk!
* hides descriptions of tvs in collapsibles,
* adds modals windows to some or all of them.
Modals can display content from any embedable url.
* adds a help tab for some or all resources based on the current template
Help tabs can display content from any embedable url.
Add your help urls to the templates array below.
The second key must be equal to the id of a template or tv.
The url can be any embeddable url.
If you want to embed files relative to the root, add ../ in fron of your path.
Set a tabTitle for your help tab and adjust the height to satisfy your needs
tabTitle (string): Help or Hilfe or ...
height (int) : 400 (px)
modalLinkTitle: (string): Help or Hilfe
2014-04-14 - v0.0.1a - Initial release
2014-04-14 - v0.0.1b - Moved css block to config section / added a new Title field / minor tv layout changes
2014-04-14 - v0.0.1c - More layout changes
2014-04-14 - v0.0.1d - Fixed a minor bug appearing if a TV has no description.
2014-04-15 - v0.0.1e - Added active class to tv toggle button.
2014-06-05 - v0.0.1f - Final code cleanup and some styling changes.
Think about moving the url array into a table and add a cmp to handle it.
Embedding content from breaks layout. It only happend so far with this source.
Reason is still unknown. Embedding content from other sources didn't have this effect.
Beats me why.
$urls = array();
/* ---------------------------------- */
/* You MAY want to MODIFY this */
/* ---------------------------------- */
$tabTitle = "Help";
$modalLinkTitle = "?";
$toogleText = "?";
$height = 500;
$activeClass = "active";
/* ---------------------------------- */
/* You NEED TO MODIFY that */
/* ---------------------------------- */
/* Add urls describing your templates here */
$urls['template'][1] = ''; /* [1] is the id of the template... */
$urls['template'][2] = ''; /* [2] is the id of the template... */
/* Add urls describing your tvs here */
$urls['tv'][1] = '';
$urls['tv'][2] = '';
$urls['tv'][5] = '';
/* ---------------------------------- */
/* Add YOUR FLAVOUR here... */
/* ---------------------------------- */
$style = "
.modx-tv {
padding: 15px 0 0!important;
.modx-tv .modx-tv-label-description {
float: right;
.modx-tv .modx-tv-description a,
.modx-tv .modx-tv-label-description a {
font-weight: bold;
text-decoration: none;
font-style: normal;
.modx-tv .modx-tv-description {
font-size: 12px;
color: gray;
.modx-tv .modx-tv-label-description a {
display: inline-block;
margin-left: 5px;
font-size: 10px;
line-height: 17px;
height: 17px;
width: 17px;
border-radius: 8px;
background: #658F1A;
color: #fff;
text-align: center;
transition: all .4s ease;
.modx-tv .modx-tv-label-description,
.modx-tv .modx-tv-label-description a:hover {
background: #666;
.modx-tv .modx-tv-description a {
display: inline-block;
margin-left: 10px;
color: #658F1A;
.modx-tv .modx-tv-description a:hover {
color: #666;
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* DON'T MODIFY anything below this line if you don't know your code-fu! */
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
$urls = $modx->toJSON($urls);
$script = "
<script type='text/javascript'>
console.log('ppbHelpManager loaded');
MODx.loadModal = function(url,id,html) {
if (!url || !id) return;
MODx.helpWindow = new Ext.Window({
title: 'Help'
,id: id
,width: 850
,height: 500
,modal: true
,layout: 'fit'
,html: html
MODx.on('ready',function() {
var tabTitle = '" . $tabTitle . "';
var modalLinkTitle = '" . $modalLinkTitle . "';
var toogleText = '" . $toogleText . "';
var activeClass = '" . $activeClass . "';
var height = " . $height . " ;
var urls = " . $urls . " ;
/* ------------------------ */
/* Add help tab to template */
/* ------------------------ */
var templateTv = Ext.getCmp('modx-resource-template');
if(templateTv != 'undefined'){
var templateId = templateTv.getValue();
console.log('templateId: ' + templateId);
var url = urls['template'][templateId];
if(typeof url != 'undefined'){
var html = '<iframe id=\'helpTemplate\' src=\'' + url + '\' width=\'100%\' height=\'100%\' frameborder=\'0\'></iframe>';
title: tabTitle
,id: 'helpWindow'
,width: '95%'
,layout: 'fit'
,items: [{
html: html
,height: height
/* ------------------------ */
/* Add help link to TVs */
/* ------------------------ */
var tvs ='.modx-tv');
var tv = Ext.get(element);
var description = tv.child('.modx-tv-label-description');
if(description!= 'undefined'){
var descriptionHtml = description.dom.innerHTML;
var caption = tv.child('.modx-tv-caption');
var tvId = tv.getAttribute('id'); /* tv1-tr */
var tvId = tvId.replace( 'tv' ,'');
var tvId = tvId.replace('-tr' ,'');
//console.log('tvID: ' + tvId); /* 1-n */
toogleTv = '<a id=\'tv' + tvId + '-toggle\' href=\'#tv' + tvId + '-description\'>' + toogleText + '</a>';
url = urls['tv'][tvId];
more = ' <a id=\'tv' + tvId + '-help\' href=\'' + url + '\' rel=\'help\'>' + modalLinkTitle + '</a>';
descriptionHtml = descriptionHtml + more;
description.update('<p>' + descriptionHtml + '</p>');
Ext.get('tv' + tvId + '-help').on(
function(e,t) {
var href = t.getAttribute('href');
var html = '<iframe src=\'' + url + '\' width=\'100%\' height=\'100%\' frameborder=\'0\'></iframe>';
MODx.loadModal(href, 'modalTv' + tvId , html);
preventDefault: true
else {
description.update('<p>' + descriptionHtml + '</p>');