(* Variations of Fizzbuzz in OCaml, translated from the Rust version in
"FizzBuzz Revisited" by Lindsey Kuper:
http://composition.al/blog/2013/03/02/fizzbuzz-revisited/ *)
(* The FizzBuzz test proposed by Imran Ghory:
http://imranontech.com/2007/01/24/using-fizzbuzz-to-find-developers-who-grok-coding/ *)
(* and made famous by Jeff Atwood:
http://www.codinghorror.com/blog/2007/02/why-cant-programmers-program.html *)
(* Utility functions *)
open List
let (--) i j =
let rec aux n acc =
if n < i then acc else aux (n-1) (n::acc) in
aux j []
(* Version 0: Original *)
let is_three n = n mod 3 = 0
let is_five n = n mod 5 = 0
let is_fifteen n = n mod 15 = 0
let ver0 =
let nums = 1 -- 100 in
let rec aux x =
if is_fifteen x then "Fizzbuzz" else
if is_three x then "Fizz" else
if is_five x then "Buzz" else
string_of_int x in
(map (Printf.sprintf "%s") (map aux nums))
(* Version 1: Transliterate into match *)
let ver1 =
let nums = 1 -- 100 in
let rec aux x =
match x with
| _ when is_fifteen x -> "FizzBuzz"
| _ when is_three x -> "Fizz"
| _ when is_five x -> "Buzz"
| _ -> string_of_int x in
(map (Printf.sprintf "%s") (map aux nums))
(* Version 2: Match against tuples of bools *)
let ver2 =
let nums = 1 -- 100 in
let rec aux x =
match (is_three(x), is_five(x)) with
| (true, true) -> "FizzBuzz"
| (true, false) -> "Fizz"
| (false, true) -> "Buzz"
| _ -> string_of_int x in
(map (Printf.sprintf "%s") (map aux nums))
(* Version 2.1: Explicit (false, false) match *)
let ver2_1 =
let nums = 1 -- 100 in
let rec aux x =
match (is_three(x), is_five(x)) with
| (true, true) -> "FizzBuzz"
| (true, false) -> "Fizz"
| (false, true) -> "Buzz"
| (false, false) -> string_of_int x in
(map (Printf.sprintf "%s") (map aux nums))
(* Version 3: match against tuples of ints *)
let ver3 =
let nums = 1 -- 100 in
let rec aux x =
match (x mod 3, x mod 5) with
| (0, 0) -> "FizzBuzz"
| (0, n) when n != 0 -> "Fizz"
| (m, 0) when m != 0 -> "Buzz"
| (m, n) when m != 0 && n != 0 -> string_of_int x in
(map (Printf.sprintf "%s") (map aux nums))
(* Version 3.1: Get rid of pattern guards *)
let ver3_1 =
let nums = 1 -- 100 in
let rec aux x =
match (x mod 3, x mod 5) with
| (0, 0) -> "FizzBuzz"
| (0, _) -> "Fizz"
| (_, 0) -> "Buzz"
| (_, _) -> string_of_int x in
(map (Printf.sprintf "%s") (map aux nums))
(* Final version: Match against tuples of rems *)
type nonzerorem = One | Two | Three | Four
type rem = Zero | Other of nonzerorem
let int_to_rem n =
match n with
| 0 -> Zero
| 1 -> Other(One)
| 2 -> Other(Two)
| 3 -> Other(Three)
| 4 -> Other(Four)
| _ -> failwith "No such remainder"
let ver_final =
let nums = 1 -- 100 in
let rec aux x =
match (int_to_rem(x mod 3), int_to_rem(x mod 5)) with
| (Zero, Zero) -> "FizzBuzz"
| (Zero, Other(_)) -> "Fizz"
| (Other(_), Zero) -> "Buzz"
| (Other(_), Other(_)) -> string_of_int x in
(map (Printf.sprintf "%s") (map aux nums))