12/29/2015 - 8:34 PM

SQL object standard comment header

SQL object standard comment header

 [OBJECT NAME]: vw_PendingLoansByBranch
 [DESCRIPTION]: This collects the pending loans for each of the loan types
 Copyright by Sound Credit Union
 12-31-2015 - Mike Gritton - Inception
--Sample Comment format
 [OBJECT NAME]: Stored Procedure Name
 [DESCRIPTION]: SP Description
 Copyright by Company Name
  @parameter name - Parameter description
  @parameter name - Parameter description
 exec spName @parameter1 = 'MSSQLTips', 
 @parameter2 = 'Jugal', 
 [SQL Version Support]: SQL Server 2000, 2005, 2008
 Date        Author                  Comment
 ----------- ----------------------  -----------------------------------------
 6/8/2009 Jugal Shah    Inception
 6/23/2009 Jugal Shah   add dbmail feature
-- =============================================
-- Author:      Jack Brown
-- Create date: 2/3/2017
-- Description: Calculates discount for a particular customer order
-- Parameters:
--   @customer_id - id of customer. Accepts nulls
--   @order_value - $ value of customer order
-- Returns:     Value of discount expressed as % (0-100)
-- Change History:
--   5/15/17 Jack Brown: Changed calcualtion method
--   5/16/17 Jack Brown: Changed calculation again
--   5/17/17 Mike White: Reverted all changes
-- =============================================