Collection of database-related function used
by DRI applications.
Written: 03/30/2012, Nicholas Kreidberg
Revised: 03/30/2012, Nicholas Kreidberg
function fnDB_Open($sPKG, $sPerm, $sScope)
Function used to open and return database
handles. All parameters are required in
calls to function and if the function_exists
encounters any problems it returns NULL
so it is up the caller to check for return
values and handle things accordingly.
Call: $hDB = fnDB_Open("PIP", "RO", "Internal");
if(empty($sPKG) || empty($sPerm) || empty($sScope))
return NULL;
$aConstants = get_defined_constants();
// Convert scope parameter to upper case
$sScope = strtoupper($sScope);
if($sScope === "INT" && empty($aConstants['sDB_SCOPE_INT'])) {
// Include internal credentials
else if($sScope === "PUB" && empty($aConstants['sDB_SCOPE_PUB'])) {
// Include public credentials
else {
// Invalid value passed for this parameter
if(empty($aConstants['sDB_SCOPE_INT']) && empty($aConstants['sDB_SCOPE_PUB']))
return NULL;
$sDB_Prefix = sprintf("sDB_%s_%s", $sPKG, $sPerm);
$sHost = constant($sDB_Prefix."_HOST"."_$sScope");
$sPort = constant($sDB_Prefix."_PORT"."_$sScope");
$sUser = constant($sDB_Prefix."_USER"."_$sScope");
$sPW = constant($sDB_Prefix."_PW"."_$sScope");
$sPW = base64_decode($sPW);
$sName = constant($sDB_Prefix."_NAME"."_$sScope");
($hDB = pg_connect("host=$sHost port=$sPort user=$sUser password=$sPW dbname=$sName")) or
die("Failed to connect to the database $sPKG!");
return $hDB;