First of all, install Hombrew
/usr/bin/ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL"
Install iTerm
brew cask install iterm2
brew install zsh
sh -c "$(curl -fsSL"
Some featured plugins:
The Z-shell resource file, ~/.zshrc, is a script that is run whenever you start Zsh. This tutorial will add things to this file to configure your terminal.
To change the default shell to Zsh rather than bash, run the change shell command in your terminal.
chsh -s /bin/zsh
Syntax Highlighting
brew install zsh-syntax-highlighting
brew install zsh-autosuggestions
Icon fonts
brew tap caskroom/fonts
brew cask install font-hack-nerd-font
Setup iTerm2 to use the font by going to: iTerm2 -> Preferences -> Profiles -> Text -> Font -> Change Font
Select the font Hack Regular Nerd Font Complete and adjust the size if your want too. Also check the box for Use a different font for non-ASCII text and select the font again. It should be displaying the new font and icons in the prompt.
Powerlevel9k zsh theme
echo "POWERLEVEL9K_MODE='nerdfont-complete'" >> ~/.zshrc
Next install the powerleve9k theme from github and add the command to load it in your ~/.zshrc
git clone ~/powerlevel9k
echo 'source ~/powerlevel9k/powerlevel9k.zsh-theme' >> ~/.zshrc
NOTE: The font needs to be set before Powerlevel9k is initialised in your ~/.zshrc
source ~/powerlevel9k/powerlevel9k.zsh-theme
Any issues you might need to move
Should be there anyway...
Z, jump around
brew install z
fzf, a fast fuzzy finder
brew install fzf
hub is an extension to command-line git that helps you do everyday GitHub tasks without ever leaving the terminal.
brew install hub