3/17/2016 - 5:31 PM

JW Player Show.php

JW Player Show.php

$key = '0qQA4Tgb';
function fcc_jw_test( $key ) {
	$botr_api = new BotrAPI( get_option('options_jw_platform_api_key'), get_option('options_jw_platform_api_secret') ); // Instantiate the API.
	$response = $botr_api->call("/players/show",array('player_key'=>$key)); // Call the API
	return $response;

echo '<pre>';
print_r( fcc_jw_test( $key ) );
echo '</pre>';

    [status] => ok
    [player] => Array
            [mute] => 
            [primary] => html5
            [height] => 
            [skin] => Array
                    [key] => N03KUxt9
                    [name] => Default
                    [inactive] => 
                    [background] => 
                    [active] => 
                    [type] => built-in

            [responsive] => 1
            [captions] => block
            [related_videos] => none
            [related_autoplaytimer] => 
            [playlist] => none
            [width] => 
            [custom] => Array

            [related_dimensions] => 
            [autostart] => 
            [sharing] => none
            [views] => 62670
            [related_heading] => 
            [sharing_player_key] => 0qQA4Tgb
            [related_autoplaymessage] => 
            [displaytitle] => 
            [name] => 16:9 example player
            [custom_flashvars] => 
            [sitecatalyst] => 
            [controlbar] => over
            [ltas_channel] => 
            [sharing_sites] => 
            [cookies] => 
            [playlistlayout] => 
            [playlistsize] => 
            [related_onclick] => 
            [ga_web_property_id] => 
            [release_channel] => production
            [advertising_schedule_key] => 
            [cast] => 
            [version] => 7
            [template] => 
            [preload] => none
            [displaydescription] => 
            [repeat] => none
            [watermark] => 
            [key] => 0qQA4Tgb
            [aspectratio] => 16:9
            [sharing_heading] => 
            [visualplaylist] => 
            [stretching] => uniform
            [advertising] => Array
                    [vpaidmode] => insecure
                    [companiondiv] => 
                    [client] => none
                    [admessage] => 
                    [schedule] => 
                    [skiptext] => 
                    [skipmessage] => 
                    [cuetext] => 
                    [tag] => 
                    [skipoffset] => 0



$key = 'XmRneLwC';
function fcc_jw_test( $key ) {
	$botr_api = new BotrAPI( get_option('options_jw_platform_api_key'), get_option('options_jw_platform_api_secret') ); // Instantiate the API.
	$response = $botr_api->call("/players/show",array('player_key'=>$key)); // Call the API
	return $response;

echo '<pre>';
print_r( fcc_jw_test( $key ) );
echo '</pre>';

    [status] => ok
    [player] => Array
            [mute] => 
            [primary] => html5
            [height] => 
            [skin] => Array
                    [key] => jHSPYws2
                    [name] => Five
                    [inactive] => 
                    [background] => 
                    [active] => 
                    [type] => built-in

            [responsive] => 1
            [captions] => block
            [related_videos] => dock-oncomplete
            [related_autoplaytimer] => 
            [playlist] => none
            [width] => 
            [custom] => Array

            [related_dimensions] => 
            [autostart] => 1
            [sharing] => none
            [views] => 36778
            [related_heading] => 
            [sharing_player_key] => XmRneLwC
            [related_autoplaymessage] => 
            [displaytitle] => 
            [name] => AreaVoices Embed Player
            [custom_flashvars] => 
            [sitecatalyst] => 
            [controlbar] => over
            [ltas_channel] => 
            [sharing_sites] => 
            [cookies] => 
            [playlistlayout] => 
            [playlistsize] => 
            [related_onclick] => play
            [ga_web_property_id] => 
            [release_channel] => production
            [advertising_schedule_key] => 
            [cast] => 
            [version] => 7
            [template] => 
            [preload] => none
            [displaydescription] => 
            [repeat] => none
            [watermark] => 
            [key] => XmRneLwC
            [aspectratio] => 16:9
            [sharing_heading] => 
            [visualplaylist] => 
            [stretching] => uniform
            [advertising] => Array
                    [vpaidmode] => insecure
                    [companiondiv] => 
                    [client] => googima
                    [admessage] => 
                    [schedule] => 
                    [skiptext] => 
                    [skipmessage] => 
                    [cuetext] => 
                    [tag] => http://pubads.g.doubleclick.net/gampad/ads?iu=/7021/fcc.forum&&sz=640x480&cust_params=&impl=s&gdfp_req=1&env=vp&output=xml_vast2&unviewed_position_start=1&url=[REFERRER_URL]&correlator=[TIMESTAMP]&ad_rule=0
                    [skipoffset] => 0

