5/28/2012 - 5:08 AM

Useful snippets for MODX Revo

Useful snippets for MODX Revo

Snippet: 		[[SnippetName]]
Chunk: 			[[$ChunkName]]
System Setting: 	[[++SettingName]]
TV: 			[[*fieldName/TvName]]
Link tag:		[[~PageId? &paramName=`value`]]
Placeholder:		[[+PlaceholderName]]


/* ***************************************** */
/* ***************************************** */

/* always available objects */
$modx->resource;	// the current document
$modx->user;		// the current user

/* get a system setting */
$modx->getOption('SettingName'); // eg site_start

/* ***************************************** */
/* LOGGING  */
/* ***************************************** */

/* log an error */
$elementName = '[SnippetName]';
$modx->log(modX::LOG_LEVEL_ERROR, $elementName.' Could not do something.');

/* change target of logging */
$modx->setLogTarget('FILE'); // or ECHO
$target = array(
    'target' => 'FILE',
    'options' => array(
        'filename' => 'path_to_file'),
$modx->log(xPDO::LOG_LEVEL_ERROR, 'Error Message', $target);

/* change error level */
$modx->setDebug(E_ALL & ~E_NOTICE); // sets error_reporting to everything except NOTICE remarks

// To report errors to the MODx error log:
trigger_error('...', E_USER_ERROR);

/* ***************************************** */
/* CHUNKS  */
/* ***************************************** */

/* get simple chunk */

/* parse a chunk many times */
foreach ($docs as $doc) {
        $output .= $modx->getChunk('teaserTpl', $doc->toArray() );
return $output;

/* ***************************************** */
/* ***************************************** */

// class boilerplate for creating a class for use in a snippet
// provides access to $modx object by reference and snippet properties
class MyClass {
    function __construct($modx, $scriptProperties) {
        $this->modx =& $modx;
        $this->props =& $scriptProperties;
    public function init() {
        $this->size = $this->props['size'];
        $this->color = $this->props['color'];

/* ***************************************** */
/* ***************************************** */

$id = $modx->resource->get('id');

/* Display a particular document */
$resource = $modx->getObject('modResource', array('pagetitle'=>'MyDocument')); // with properties
$resource = $modx->getObject('modResource', $resourceID); // with a document id
$output = '<p>Document:' . $resource->get('longtitle') . '</p>';
$output .= '<p>Content:' . $resource->get('content') . '</p>';

/* change a resource property */
$resource = $modx->getObject('modResource', $resourceID); // with a document id
$resource->set('template', 7);

/* get all published resources that have not been deleted */
$resources = $modx->getCollection('modResource',
foreach($resources as $resource) {
   $output .= '<div class="resource"><p>Document:' .
      $resource->get('longtitle') . '</p>';
   $output .= '<p>Content:' . $resource->get('content') . '</p></div>';

/* Get the parent object of the current resource */
$parent = $modx->resource->getOne('Parent');
return $parent->get('pagetitle');

/* Get the child objects of the current resource */
$children = $modx->resource->getMany('Children');
foreach ($children as $child) {
 $output .= '<p>' . $child->get('pagetitle') . '</p>';

/* ***************************************** */
/* TVs  */
/* ***************************************** */

/* To set a TV value for the current resource */
$tv = $modx->getObject('modTemplateVar',array('name'=>'tvName')); // get the required TV object by name (or id)
$tv->setValue($modx->resource->get('id'), $newValue); // set the new value and save it

/* to get a TV value for the current resource */

/* retrieve a number of TVs for resource */
$results = array();
$tvs = $modx->getCollection(
    array("`name` IN (
foreach ($tvs as $tv) {
	$results[$tv->get('name')] = (empty($processTVs) ? $tv->getValue($resourceId) : $tv->renderOutput($resourceId));
// render to a chunk of goodness
return $modx->getChunk('Picture.tpl',$results);

/* get all tvs for another resource */
$obj = $modx->getObject('modResource', array('name'=>'MyDoc'));
$id = $obj->get('id');
$tvs = $obj->getMany('TemplateVars');
foreach ($tvs as $tv) {
    $rawValue = $tv->getValue($id);
    $processedValue = $tv->renderOutput($id);

/* ***************************************** */
/* USERS  */
/* ***************************************** */

/* Get all active users */
$users = $modx->getCollection('modUser',
foreach ($users as $user) {
  $output .= '<p>Username: ' . $user->get('username') . '</p>';
return $output;

/* Get the user object for the creator of the current document */
$user = $modx->resource->getOne('CreatedBy');
return $user->get('username');

/* Publish a set of resources from a list of resource IDs */
$resourceIds = array('12, 23, 32, 45');
foreach ($resourceIds as $id) {
 $resource = $modx->getObject('modResource',$id);
 $resource->set('published', '1');

/* ***************************************** */
/* XPDO  */
/* ***************************************** */

/* getObject  - get one object/table row */
/* getCollection - get many objects/table rows */
/* getOne - get one related object */
/* getMany - get many related objects */
/* getCollectionGraph - get many objects and their related  objects */

/* other xpdo object methods */

/* change the template of many documents with the same parent */
foreach ($modx->getIterator('modResource', array('parent' =>15)) as $res) { $res->set('template',5); $res->save(); }

/* general xpdo query */
$sql = 'SELECT * FROM `'.$modx->getOption(xPDO::OPT_TABLE_PREFIX).'site_htmlsnippets`';
$result = $modx->query($sql);

if (!is_object($result)) {
   return 'No result!';
else {
   while ($row = $q_chunks->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC))
       // do something: $row['name'];

/* ***************************************** */
/* ***************************************** */

/* send an email */

// first, get the email with the placeholders in it replaced by the snippet call.
// (Note the properties in the snippet call are in the array $scriptProperties.
$message = $modx->getChunk('myEmail',$scriptProperties);
/* now load modMail, and setup options */
$modx->getService('mail', 'mail.modPHPMailer');
/* specify the recipient */
/* send! */
