InfoQ BR
* **Agile Brazil 2012**
* [Dívida técnica: precisando de crédito?]( - Dívida técnica é inevitável. Nos projetos de software em que participei observo em média investidores que são ou extremamente conservadores (os perfeccionistas) ou irresponsavelmente agressivos (fãs da gambiarra). Nesta palestra, são apresentadas histórias de projetos reais, com orçamentos reais, para compartilhar técnicas e estratégias para quantificar, visualizar e lidar com dívida técnica.
* [Pedaços de XP, FDD, Scrum e Kanban na Análise de Negócio e Engenharia de Requisitos]( - Utilizando partes de técnicas do FDD, XP, Scrum, Kanban e outros, o palestrante pôde fazer uma experiência muito produtiva em Análise e Modelagem de Negócios e Requisitos. Neste relato, é exposto o cenário padrão da Elicitação de Requisitos ao longo do desenvolvimento, os problemas enfrentados e o que levou a equipe a escolher pedaços de vários frameworks e métodos ágeis.
50 Web Developer Documentation Manuals You Need To Know About
[GitHub thomasdavis / best-practices] Programming Best Practices Tidbits
[Linux & Mac] 9 uses for cURL worth knowing - Hacking on HTTP from the Command-Line
Sublime Package Control - A full-featured package manager that helps discovering, installing, updating and removing packages for Sublime Text 2.
GitHub - titoBouzout / SideBarEnhancements - Enhancements to Sublime Text sidebar. Files and folders.
Sublime Linter - s a plugin that supports "lint" programs (known as "linters"). SublimeLinter highlights lines of code the linter deems to contain (potential) errors. It also supports highlighting special annotations (for example: TODO) so that they can be quickly located.
Git Gutter - A sublime text 2/3 plugin to show an icon in the gutter area indicating whether a line has been inserted, modified or deleted.
Sublime Web Inspector - Debug Javascript right in the Sublime Text editor
um modo de evitar a propagação de login/senha entre
muitas aplicações, tendo um único ponto onde se mantem o
login e as demais aplicações irão ser autorizadas a
acessar/se autenticar através do uso de TOKENs
(credencial de acesso, com tempo de vida e credencial de
renovação dos TOKENs)
Este modelo não resolve a situação de integração
Aplicação <-> Aplicação B2B
Em um ambiente corporativo um modelo de Single Sign-On é
mais recomendado
SAML - Security Assertion Markup Language
É um padrão baseado em XML para comunicação de
informações referente a identidade entre organizações,
utilizado para transmitir de forma segura tokens de
autenticação e outras informações do usuário
entre os dominios na internet.
[Youtube] SAML 101: What It Is, How It Works & Why It's Important
Configuring Single Sign-On with Web Browsers and HTTP Clients
Configuring Single Sign-On using SAML in WebLogic Server 9.2
Thinktecture IdentityServer - IdentityServer is a light-weight, .NET based security token service that supports various protocols and token formats.
AuthBridge is a server written in ASP.NET/C# using WIF and DotNetOpenAuth, that speaks WS-Federation and SAML tokens on one side and OpenID, OAuth, WS-Federation or any other protocol on the identity provider.
CAS - Central Authentication Service
STS - Security Token Service
SWT - Simple Web Token
Requesting a Token from ADFS 2.0 using WS-Trust with Username and Password
Windows Identity Foundation Simplifies User Access for Developers
Postmon - Uma API para consultar CEP e encomendas de maneira fácil, rápida e gratuita
7 erros mais comuns na hora de criar uma API | Escalabilidade
Richardson Maturity Model - níveis de maturidade de uma aplicação/API REST
Como um verdadeiro sistema REST funciona: arquitetura e performance na Abril
[SlideShare] RESTful Web Services - Using Spring to create a RESTful java application
Guru-SP - Abusando nas requisições HTTP sem medo - Luis Cipriani
Transferência de estado representacional – REST – via HTTP | JavascriptBrasil
REST é a melhor escolha para seus próximos projetos de mobile/desktop/api
RESTful services with jQuery and Java using JAX-RS and Jersey
RESTful API Server – Doing it the right way (Part 1) | MKBlog
RESTful API Server – Doing it the right way (Part 2) | MKBlog
[baeldung part 1] Bootstrapping a web application with Spring 3.1 and Java based Configuration
[baeldung part 3] Securing a RESTful Web Service with Spring Security 3.1
[baeldung part 6] Basic and Digest authentication for a RESTful Service with Spring Security 3.1
Securing REST WebServices with Spring Security and Custom HTTP Request Factories
[DZone ref card] Expression-Based Authorization with Spring Security 3
[GitHub] alesaudate / kickstart-springjerseyhibernate - A fully functional project configured with spring, spring security, REST (with Jersey) and Hibernate. The intent is to provide a bootstrap for this configuration. ( via Começando rápido com Spring, Spring Security e REST )
Secure RESTful Services with Maven, Spring, Jersey and Spring Security | GitHub : Code
Spring Security 3 with RESTful Authentication | GitHub : Code
HATEOAS - Hypermedia as the Engine of Application State wiki
HAL is two media types (application/hal+json & application/hal+xml) with which applications are exposed as sets of link relations.
Being A Web Developer - Front end standards - This little book is to aid a shared understanding of front-end development best practice.
Talks To Help You Become A Better Front-End Engineer In 2013 | Smashing Magazine
Tinycon - A small library for manipulating the favicon
Iconbench - Style, hand pick & download icons of your choice. - Custom Built and Crisp Icon Fonts, Done Right
Glyph Icon Font from WebHostingHub - High quality icons that are easy to use with Bootstrap, other CSS frameworks and in any web projects. They also work in desktop software such as Adobe Photoshop or Microsoft Word. They are perfect for use in mobile developement on Android or iOS devices.
How to Create Windows-8-like Animations with CSS3 and jQuery - Sara Soueidan
Essential HTML, CSS and JavaScript techniques | Feature | .net magazine
Como perder peso (no browser) - O guia definitivo de performance para o desenvolvedor front-end
Medindo performance e latência com a Navigation Timing API | Tableless
How To Make Your Websites Faster On Mobile Devices | Smashing Mobile
Kratu : client-side analysis framework to create simple and powerful renditions of data
Dynamic Script Loading
CSSDB - A curated collection of great CSS, Sass, LESS and Stylus libraries.
HTML KickStart - Ultra–Lean HTML Building Blocks for Rapid Website Production - KickStart your Website Production
Flat UI - Free Web User Interface Kit
Foundation - is the most advanced responsive front-end framework in the world.
Framework front-end para facilitar e aumentar a velocidade do desenvolvimento web (mantido pelo Twitter)
Bootstrap Live Editor - A WYSIWYG Editor built for Bootstrap
Jetstrap - Rapid interface builder for Twitter Bootstrap. Don't just mock-up, build! Generates real Bootstrap HTML, CSS, and Javascript
A linguagem como parte integrante da user experience | Tabless - A linguagem é a ferramenta que utilizamos para entender e definir o mundo. E isto vale também para a criação de interfaces.
Responsive Navigation: Optimizing for Touch Across Devices | LukeW
Mastering Real-World Constraints (A Case Study) | Smashing UX Design
Web Design Responsivo: as melhores referências em português pra você aprender do básico ao avançado
Responsive Retrofitting - Older, legacy sites may limit your ability to modify CSS, but you can still use responsive web design techniques for a better user experience. Ben introduces you to responsive retrofitting.
Responsive Web Design is Not the Future - Is responsive web design the ultimate solution for addressing the increasing number of ways people are accessing the Web?
Intro.js - Better introductions for websites and features with a step-by-step guide for your projects
Chardin.js - Simple overlay instructions for your apps
Caelum - Seu código CSS pode ser mais limpo, flexível e reaproveitável
Repensando CSS Resets | Tableless - Como melhorar seu CSS Reset
Media Query
DevTools: Visually Re-engineering CSS For Faster Paint Times
5 segredos para optimizar seu CSS para dispositivos móveis - Igor Costa
Utilizado no Twitter Bootstrap para implementar as definições, pode ser visto a interface web de definição das variáveis nesse link: Customize
Less - generates css output
Stylus - generates css output
stylus: Expressive, robust, feature-rich CSS language built for Node.js
Sass - is an extension of CSS3, adding nested rules, variables, mixins, selector inheritance, and more.
Crunch - The LESS editor and compiler that almost makes it too easy. (Adobe AIR)
LiveReload - a happy land where browsers don't need a Refresh button
Superhero.js - Creating, testing and maintaining a large JavaScript code base is not easy — especially since great resources on how to do this are hard to find. This page is a collection of the best articles, videos and presentations we've found on the topic.
Design API & Library
Capturando erros JS LIKE-A-BOSS - window.onerror
Callback Hell - A guide to writing elegant asynchronous javascript programs
10+ Useful JavaScript Regular Expression Functions to improve your web applications efficiency
Scriptular is a javascript regular expression editor - online
Regexper - Regular expression visualizer using railroad diagrams
[YouTube] Google I/O 2012 – Breaking the JavaScript Speed Limit with V8
Building High-Performing JavaScript for Modern Engines | Build 2012 | Channel 9
3 reasons why you should let Google host jQuery for you - Encosia
Boas práticas com JavaScript e jQuery: código não-obstrusivo
jQuery Boilerplate - Jump-starting jQuery plugins development versão pt_BR
50 Amazing jQuery Plugins That You Should Start Using Right Now | Tutorialzine
Plugins jQuery e bibliotecas JavaScript para e-commerces | Tabless
MagicSuggest - Auto-suggest combo with bootstrap theme using jQuery
SlidesJS - is a responsive slideshow plug-in for jQuery (1.7.1+) with features like touch and CSS3 transitions.
jQuery-menu-aim - menu-aim is a jQuery plugin for dropdown menus that can differentiate between a user trying hover over a dropdown item vs trying to navigate into a submenu's contents.
jQuery Pin - plugin for pinning elements within a container.
Zepto.js - is a minimalist JavaScript library for modern browsers with a largely jQuery-compatible API. If you use jQuery, you already know how to use Zepto.
Foundation: Rapid Prototyping and Building Framework from ZURB
An Introduction to Handlebars - O Handlebars consiste em uma biblioteca para templates JavaScript.
fragment.js - A tiny (625 bytes gzipped) tool for easily loading html fragments and templates.
Spin.js - An animated CSS activity indicator with VML fallback.
Horwheel - Scroll horizontally with mouse wheel
Stellar.js - jQuery plugin that provides parallax scrolling effects to any scrolling element
JustGage is a handy JavaScript plugin for generating and animating nice & clean dashboard gauges.
Flot - Attractive JavaScript plotting for jQuery - exemplo de uso ACME Dashboard - Admin Template
easy pie chart - exemplo de uso AdminFlare
D3.js is a JavaScript library for manipulating documents based on data Para construção de representações gráficas
D3.js Wiki
build with
Super useful online tools to make JavaScript development easier
Yeoman - is a robust and opinionated set of tools, libraries, and a workflow that can help developers quickly build beautiful, compelling web apps. - brings together a collection of awesome tools and best practices. It's quick, no-fuss, super-powerful and works with your favourite editor.
Grunt Task Runner Extension for Chrome Developer Tools - tests
Discover DevTools | Code School - Sharpen your dev process with Chrome DevTools.
CSS Prettifier Bookmarklet - Um bookmarklet para unminify seu CSS no navegador.
Sublime Text - is a sophisticated text editor for code, markup and prose.
JSFiddle - online editor for snippets build from HTML, CSS and JavaScript. JsFiddle docs | JsFiddle Tips And Tricks | JsFiddle GitHub Projects
Eclipse Orion - Open Source Platform For Cloud Based Development - This is a simple viewer for code examples hosted on GitHub Gist. Code up an example using Gist, and then point people here to view the example and the source code, live!
[SlideShare] Fast prototyping apps using AngularJS, RequireJS and Twitter Bootstrap
alarm-clock webapp | bitbucket: code
[GitHub] ysilvestrov / angular-seed - with require.js
Atenção: as ferramentas de task runner, testes, qualidade de código para JavaScript, utilizam em sua maioria, o Node.js, o qual possibilita a execução do JavaScript sem a necessidade de um Web Browser. [ Laboratório + Referências -> Node.js : GitHub / Erko Bridee / lab-nodejs ]
Karma - Spectacular Test Runner for JavaScript
Venus.js - Organize and run your entire JS testing system with a single tool using Node.js
Jasmine - Jasmine is a behavior-driven development framework for testing JavaScript code.
PhantomJS: Headless WebKit with JavaScript API - As you know, Webkit is the layout engine that Chrome, Safari, and a few other niche browsers use. So PhantomJS is a browser, but a headless browser. This means that the rendered web pages are never actually displayed.
[SlideShare] PhantomJS - O Fantasminha Camarada - Conheça essa incrível ferramenta para te ajudar a executar testes de aceitação e testes funcionais em JavaScript.
CasperJS, a navigation scripting and testing utility for PhantomJS
TodoMVC - Helping you select an MV* framework
Rich JavaScript Applications – the Seven Frameworks (Throne of JS, 2012)
The Big Glossary of Open Source JavaScript and Web Frameworks with Cool Names
Framework Javascript para desenvolvimento de Front-end com curva de aprendizado rápida e produtividade tão boa como encontrada no Adobe Flex
Obs.: o Angular.js é mantido pela Google
Egghead - AngularJS - online course
[YouTube] AngularJS end-to-end web app tutorial - .Net Part I | Part II | Part IIII
AngularJS – Consumindo a API do GitHub | Testar App | GitHub Code
Introducing the Batarang - dev tool
Angular UI - Componentes de UI
Angular Kendo - Angular-Kendo is a passthrough to the Kendo UI
Animation in AngularJS - AngularJS now provides full support for animations direct from it's core
Criando um scroll Infinito com o AngularJS e JQuery |Igor Costa
ng-boilerplate | Non-Trivial AngularJS Made Easy - Everything you need to kickstart AngularJS projects: a best-practice directory structure, an intelligent build system, and the best web design libraries around.
How to create (singleton) AngularJS services in 4 different ways | JDriven BlogJDriven Blog
[jsfiddle] Big Text Directive with AngularJS - Use AngularJS and jquery to make an input with a popup textarea for editing large text values
AngularJS Directives and The Computer Science of JavaScript | Adobe Developer Connection
AngularJS Sticky Notes | One Hungry MindOne Hungry Mind
AngularJS: Melhores Práticas | Ciro Nunes
Este framework é bastante citado e utilizado em projetos para organizar o front-end das aplicações
Obs.: Mantido pela DocumentCloud
Understanding MVC And MVP (For JavaScript And Backbone Developers)
Backbonification: migrating a large JavaScript project from DOM spaghetti to Backbone.js
Cross-domain Backbone.js with sessions using CORS - Backbone.js Tutorials
Using Backbone.js with a RESTful Java Back-End | Christophe Coenraets
Backbone.js Lessons Learned and Improved Sample App | Christophe Coenraets
Backbone.Notifications - Global notification mechanism for Backbone
Montage.js - An HTML5 framework for building modern Web Apps.
Made with Montage - A gallery of Apps and demos built with Montage.
Refere-se a nova sintaxe do HTML, além de novos recursos para serem utilizados diretamento pelo web browser, conforme apresentados: Slides | HTML5 Rocks e Entendendo quais APIs (realmente) fazem parte do HTML5 | Tableless
Dive Into HTML5 - livro online sobre HTML5, este link da versão em português
[Speaker Deck] Augmented Reality in JavaScript - by Zeno Rocha
Can I use… - Compatibility tables for support of HTML5, CSS3, SVG and more in desktop and mobile browsers.
The HTML5 Test - verifica o quando o web browser suporta os recursos do HTML5
Modernizr is a JavaScript library that detects HTML5 and CSS3 features in the user’s browser | HTML5 Cross Browser Polyfills
Charts.js - Simple HTML5 Charts using the canvas tag
HumbleFinance is an HTML5 data visualization tool written as a demonstration of interactive graphing in HTML5.
CreateJS Studio - A suite of Javascript libraries & tools for building rich, interactive experiences with HTML5.
Fabric.js is a powerful and simple Javascript canvas library. Fabric provides interactive object model on top of canvas element Fabric also has SVG-to-canvas (and canvas-to-SVG) parser.
KineticJS - is an HTML5 Canvas JavaScript framework that enables high performance animations, transitions, node nesting, layering, filtering, caching, event handling for desktop and mobile applications, and much more.
Nanoko - is a JavaScript modular framework enabling flexible and sustainable HTML5 applications development and their deployment on both mobile and desktop applications. Getting Started | utiliza o maven como base para o projeto |
lunr.js - A bit like Solr, but much smaller and not as bright - Simple full-text search in your browser
Resumable.js - A JavaScript library providing multiple simultaneous, stable and resumable uploads via the HTML5 File API
JayData - The cross-platform HTML5 data-management library for JavaScript
[GitHub] lcavadas / Storage.js - Javascript library that wraps storage logic ( localStorage, WebSQL, IndexedDB) for all browsers
Game Closure - The Game Closure DevKit. 100% JavaScript. Build your games faster than ever before! Native speed. Write HTML5 games that outperform the competition.
Joy.JS - A Joyful HTML5 2D Game Engine
Collie is a Javascript library that helps to create highly optimized animations and games using HTML 5.
Construct 2 - The Free HTML5 Game Engine
Can I use offline web applications? - Compatibility table for support of offline web applications in desktop and mobile browsers.
[YouTube] O elo perdido: sincronizando webapps html5 com o servidor (node.js) - Slides
Christophe Coenraets
AppJS - for Linux, Windows and Mac using HTML, CSS and Javascript
Desktop Apps with HTML5 and the Mozilla Web Runtime | Mozilla Apps
TideSDK - Create multi-platform desktop apps with HTML5, CSS3 and JavaScript | TideSDK formerly known as Titanium Desktop is the best way to create beautiful, unique desktop apps using your web development skills.
Apache Cordova - is a platform for building native mobile applications using HTML, CSS and JavaScript.
PhoneGap is a free and open source framework that allows you to create mobile apps using standardized web APIs for the platforms you care about.
PhoneGap Build - Package mobile apps in the cloud. - Simply upload your HTML5, CSS, and JavaScript assets to the Adobe® PhoneGap™ Build cloud service and we do the work of compiling for you.
Continuous Integration of iOS Projects using Jenkins, CocoaPods, and Kiwi
Hardware-Accelerated Page Transitions for Mobile Web Apps / PhoneGap Apps