A css gradient following the evolution of the instagram brand to a more LSD-ish style ...
* Generated w/ http://www.gradient-scanner.com/
* Based on rotated https://www.instagram-brand.com/img/instagram/bg.mast.jpg
* CSS enhancement by @justinbasile
* Default color v/ http://findguidelin.es/
* Sourcing by @bonylaco @benjung @akkolad
* @TODO : Add of a filter for IE6-9 support purpose
background : #E12F67; /* Old browsers */
background: -webkit-gradient(linear, 333 0, 0 337, from(#8043af), color-stop(0.029, #8442aa), color-stop(0.029, #8740a9), color-stop(0.042, #8842a8), color-stop(0.059, #8d3fa7), color-stop(0.067, #8d41a4), color-stop(0.164, #9d3d9c), color-stop(0.164, #9f3c9a), color-stop(0.202, #a63b96), color-stop(0.202, #a73a97), color-stop(0.23, #a83b96), color-stop(0.23, #aa3a92), color-stop(0.253, #ac3990), color-stop(0.312, #b63a8b), color-stop(0.35, #b93a88), color-stop(0.35, #bb3986), color-stop(0.374, #bc3986), color-stop(0.374, #be3884), color-stop(0.397, #c03a83), color-stop(0.403, #c13c83), color-stop(0.412, #c4397f), color-stop(0.443, #c63b7a), color-stop(0.469, #ca3d75), color-stop(0.475, #cb3c75), color-stop(0.494, #ca3e74), color-stop(0.494, #cc3d74), color-stop(0.503, #ce3e75), color-stop(0.503, #cf3d74), color-stop(0.591, #d84466), color-stop(0.591, #d94367), color-stop(0.904, #ef6744), color-stop(0.951, #f26a43), color-stop(0.951, #f26c42), color-stop(0.978, #f3703f), color-stop(0.978, #f46f40), color-stop(0.997, #f57041), color-stop(0.997, #f47141), to(#f47141));
background: -webkit-linear-gradient(225.34206029135854deg, #8043af, #8442aa 2.9%, #8740a9 2.9%, #8842a8 4.2%, #8d3fa7 5.9%, #8d41a4 6.7%, #9d3d9c 16.4%, #9f3c9a 16.4%, #a63b96 20.2%, #a73a97 20.2%, #a83b96 23%, #aa3a92 23%, #ac3990 25.3%, #b63a8b 31.2%, #b93a88 35%, #bb3986 35%, #bc3986 37.4%, #be3884 37.4%, #c03a83 39.7%, #c13c83 40.3%, #c4397f 41.2%, #c63b7a 44.3%, #ca3d75 46.9%, #cb3c75 47.5%, #ca3e74 49.4%, #cc3d74 49.4%, #ce3e75 50.3%, #cf3d74 50.3%, #d84466 59.1%, #d94367 59.1%, #ef6744 90.4%, #f26a43 95.1%, #f26c42 95.1%, #f3703f 97.8%, #f46f40 97.8%, #f57041 99.7%, #f47141 99.7%, #f47141);
background: -moz-linear-gradient(225.34206029135854deg, #8043af, #8442aa 2.9%, #8740a9 2.9%, #8842a8 4.2%, #8d3fa7 5.9%, #8d41a4 6.7%, #9d3d9c 16.4%, #9f3c9a 16.4%, #a63b96 20.2%, #a73a97 20.2%, #a83b96 23%, #aa3a92 23%, #ac3990 25.3%, #b63a8b 31.2%, #b93a88 35%, #bb3986 35%, #bc3986 37.4%, #be3884 37.4%, #c03a83 39.7%, #c13c83 40.3%, #c4397f 41.2%, #c63b7a 44.3%, #ca3d75 46.9%, #cb3c75 47.5%, #ca3e74 49.4%, #cc3d74 49.4%, #ce3e75 50.3%, #cf3d74 50.3%, #d84466 59.1%, #d94367 59.1%, #ef6744 90.4%, #f26a43 95.1%, #f26c42 95.1%, #f3703f 97.8%, #f46f40 97.8%, #f57041 99.7%, #f47141 99.7%, #f47141);
background: -o-linear-gradient(225.34206029135854deg, #8043af, #8442aa 2.9%, #8740a9 2.9%, #8842a8 4.2%, #8d3fa7 5.9%, #8d41a4 6.7%, #9d3d9c 16.4%, #9f3c9a 16.4%, #a63b96 20.2%, #a73a97 20.2%, #a83b96 23%, #aa3a92 23%, #ac3990 25.3%, #b63a8b 31.2%, #b93a88 35%, #bb3986 35%, #bc3986 37.4%, #be3884 37.4%, #c03a83 39.7%, #c13c83 40.3%, #c4397f 41.2%, #c63b7a 44.3%, #ca3d75 46.9%, #cb3c75 47.5%, #ca3e74 49.4%, #cc3d74 49.4%, #ce3e75 50.3%, #cf3d74 50.3%, #d84466 59.1%, #d94367 59.1%, #ef6744 90.4%, #f26a43 95.1%, #f26c42 95.1%, #f3703f 97.8%, #f46f40 97.8%, #f57041 99.7%, #f47141 99.7%, #f47141);
background: linear-gradient(224.65793970864146deg, #8043af, #8442aa 2.9%, #8740a9 2.9%, #8842a8 4.2%, #8d3fa7 5.9%, #8d41a4 6.7%, #9d3d9c 16.4%, #9f3c9a 16.4%, #a63b96 20.2%, #a73a97 20.2%, #a83b96 23%, #aa3a92 23%, #ac3990 25.3%, #b63a8b 31.2%, #b93a88 35%, #bb3986 35%, #bc3986 37.4%, #be3884 37.4%, #c03a83 39.7%, #c13c83 40.3%, #c4397f 41.2%, #c63b7a 44.3%, #ca3d75 46.9%, #cb3c75 47.5%, #ca3e74 49.4%, #cc3d74 49.4%, #ce3e75 50.3%, #cf3d74 50.3%, #d84466 59.1%, #d94367 59.1%, #ef6744 90.4%, #f26a43 95.1%, #f26c42 95.1%, #f3703f 97.8%, #f46f40 97.8%, #f57041 99.7%, #f47141 99.7%, #f47141);