2/14/2017 - 5:46 PM

W = "acabacacd"
T = "acfacabacabacacdk"

# this method is from above code snippet.
aux = creatAux(W)

# counter for word W
i = 0
# counter for text T
j = 0
while j < len(T):
    # We need to handle 2 conditions when there is a mismatch
    if W[i] != T[j]:
        # 1st condition
        if i == 0:
            # starting again from the next character in the text T
            j += 1
            # aux[i-1] will tell from where to compare next
            # and no need to match for W[0..aux[i-1] - 1],
            # they will match anyway, that’s what kmp is about.
            i = aux[i-1]
        i += 1
        j += 1
        # we found the pattern
        if i == len(W):
            # printing the index
            print "found pattern at " + str(j - i)
            # if we want to find more patterns, we can 
            # continue as if no match was found at this point.
            i = aux[i-1]