12/18/2015 - 10:19 AM

options in data-attributes: $('.item-a').draggable({'defaultPosition':'top-left'}); $('.item-b').draggable({'defaultPosition':'bottom-right'

options in data-attributes: $('.item-a').draggable({'defaultPosition':'top-left'}); $('.item-b').draggable({'defaultPosition':'bottom-right'}); $('.item-c').draggable({'defaultPosition':'bottom-left'});



  • /*
     * 'Highly configurable' mutable plugin boilerplate
     * Author: @markdalgleish
     * Further changes, comments: @addyosmani
     * Licensed under the MIT license
    // Note that with this pattern, as per Alex Sexton's, the plugin logic
    // hasn't been nested in a jQuery plugin. Instead, we just use
    // jQuery for its instantiation.
    ;(function( $, window, document, undefined ){
      // our plugin constructor
      var Plugin = function( elem, options ){
          this.elem = elem;
          this.$elem = $(elem);
          this.options = options;
          // This next line takes advantage of HTML5 data attributes
          // to support customization of the plugin on a per-element
          // basis. For example,
          // <div class=item' data-plugin-options='{"message":"Goodbye World!"}'></div>
          this.metadata = this.$elem.data( 'plugin-options' );
      // the plugin prototype
      Plugin.prototype = {
        defaults: {
          message: 'Hello world!'
        init: function() {
          // Introduce defaults that can be extended either 
          // globally or using an object literal. 
          this.config = $.extend({}, this.defaults, this.options, 
          // Sample usage:
          // Set the message per instance:
          // $('#elem').plugin({ message: 'Goodbye World!'});
          // or
          // var p = new Plugin(document.getElementById('elem'), 
          // { message: 'Goodbye World!'}).init()
          // or, set the global default message:
          // Plugin.defaults.message = 'Goodbye World!'
          return this;
        sampleMethod: function() {
          // eg. show the currently configured message
          // console.log(this.config.message);
      Plugin.defaults = Plugin.prototype.defaults;
      $.fn.plugin = function(options) {
        return this.each(function() {
          new Plugin(this, options).init();
      //optional: window.Plugin = Plugin;
    })( jQuery, window , document );