1/21/2019 - 10:23 AM

Symfony Common Commands

+ composer require annotations (For route usage)
If there is a routing error it might be that an .htaccess file is missing.
 - composer config extra.symfony.allow-contrib true
 - composer req symfony/apache-pack
- composer require twig (Template engine)
- composer require doctrine maker (DB)
- php bin/console doctrine:database:create (creates configured DB in .env file)
- php bin/console make:entity EntityName (Creates a new table and Entity class in src/Entity/ Folder)
- php bin/console doctrine:migrations:diff (checks for differences in DB and )
- php bin/console doctrine:migrations:migrate (applies new differences from src/Entity/ Folder)
- composer require form (To integrate formulars in project)
- php bin/console make:controller (Creates a new Controller)