Find out if there are resources where the ID of the current resource can be found inside TV with comma separeated values.
Find out if there are resources where the ID of the current resource
can be found inside TV with comma separeated values.
Usefull for teaching getResources a new trick.
[[!ppb_inArray? &id=`[[*id]]` &parents=`612` &tvId=`107` &ph=`neubauIds`]]
&id = id of a resource
&parents = one or more parent IDs seperated by a comma.
&tvID = the id of the id containing the values.
&ph = the name of a plceholder that can be inserted into getResourcesto process the results.
$msg = array();
$kontextlinks = array();
$tvId = !empty($tvId) ? $tvId : 107;
$id = !empty($id) ? $id : false;
$parent = !empty($parent) ? $parent : false;
$ph = !empty($ph) ? $ph : 'ph';
if(!$parents OR !$id) return;
$parents = explode(',',$parents);
$childIds = array();
foreach($parents as $parent){
$childIds = array_merge($childIds, $modx->getChildIds($parent));
//return print_r($childIds,true);
$tv = $modx->getObject('modTemplateVar', $tvId);
if ($tv) {
foreach ($childIds as $childId) {
$renderedValue = $tv->renderOutput($childId);
$msg['childId_'.$childId] = $renderedValue;
$values = explode(',' , $renderedValue);
$kontext[] = $childId;
} else {
$msg['error'] = "TV not found";
$kontext = implode(',' , $kontext);
return $kontext;
//return "<pre>".print_r($msg,true)."</pre>";