9/23/2016 - 1:22 AM

Project 1

Project 1

import javax.swing.*;
import java.util.*;

public class Team {
	Random r = new Random();

	private String name;
	private String location = "";
	private int nWins = 0;
	private int nLosses = 0;
	private double offense = Math.random();
	private double defense = Math.random();

	public Team(String name, String location) { = name;
		this.location = location;

	public String getName() {
		return name;

	public String getLocation() {
		return location;

	public int getN_Wins() {
		return nWins;

	public int getN_Losses() {
		return nLosses;

	public double getOffense() {
		return offense;

	public double getDefense() {
		return defense;

	public static double luck() {
		return Math.random();

	public int calcTotalGames() {
		return getN_Wins() + getN_Losses();

	public double calcWinRate() {
		return (double) getN_Wins()/ (double) calcTotalGames() * 100;

	public double calcLossRate() {
		return (double) getN_Losses()/ (double) calcTotalGames() * 100;

	public int calcDifference() {
		return (int) Math.abs(getN_Wins() - getN_Losses());

	public String generateStats() {
		String statname = "\n" + getName() + "(" + getLocation() + ")";
		String stattotalgames = "Total games: " + calcTotalGames();
		String calcWinRateTwo = String.format("%.2f", calcWinRate());
		String calcLossRateTwo = String.format("%.2f", calcLossRate());
		String statswins = "No. wins: " + getN_Wins() + " (" + (calcWinRateTwo) + "%)";
		String statslosses = "No. losses: " + getN_Losses() + " (" + (calcLossRateTwo  + "%)");
		String statsdifference = "Difference: " + calcDifference();
		return statname + "\n" + stattotalgames + "\n" + statswins + "\n" + statslosses + "\n" + statsdifference;

	public double homeScore(Team homeTeam) {
		double homeScore = (homeTeam.getOffense() + homeTeam.getDefense() + 0.2) * luck();
		return homeScore;

	public double awayScore(Team awayTeam) {
		double awayScore = (awayTeam.getOffense() + awayTeam.getDefense()) * luck();
		return awayScore;

	public void incrementWins() {
		nWins += 1;

	public void incrementLosses() {
		nLosses += 1;

	public static Team play(Team team1, boolean isHome, Team team2) {
		if (isHome == true) {
			if (team1.homeScore(team1) > team2.awayScore(team2)) {
				return team1;

			else {
				return team2;

		else {
			if (team1.awayScore(team1) < team2.homeScore(team2)) {
				return team2;

			else {
				return team2;


	public static void main(String[] args) {

		//------------Team 1--------------//
		String unformatted_one = JOptionPane.showInputDialog("Enter the name and location for home team separated by a comma(,):");
		Scanner s = new Scanner(;
		int where_dat_comma_at = unformatted_one.indexOf(',');
		String name_uncased_one = unformatted_one.substring(0, where_dat_comma_at);
		String name_low_one = name_uncased_one.substring(1, name_uncased_one.length());
		String name_lower_one = name_low_one.toLowerCase();
		String first_letter_one = name_uncased_one.substring(0, 1);
		String first_letter_cased_one = first_letter_one.toUpperCase();
		String name_one = first_letter_cased_one + name_lower_one;

		String location_uncased_one = unformatted_one.substring(where_dat_comma_at + 1, unformatted_one.length());
		String location_low_one = location_uncased_one.substring(1, location_uncased_one.length());
		String location_lower_one =location_low_one.toLowerCase();
		String location_first_letter_one = location_uncased_one.substring(0,1);
		String location_one = location_first_letter_one + location_lower_one;

		//------------Team 2--------------//
		String unformatted_two = JOptionPane.showInputDialog("Enter the name and location for away team separated by a comma(,):");
		int where_dat_comma_at_two = unformatted_two.indexOf(',');
		String name_uncased_two = unformatted_two.substring(0, where_dat_comma_at_two);
		String name_low_two = name_uncased_two.substring(1, name_uncased_two.length());
		String name_lower_two = name_low_two.toLowerCase();
		String first_letter_two = name_uncased_two.substring(0, 1);
		String first_letter_cased_two = first_letter_two.toUpperCase();
		String name_two = first_letter_cased_two + name_lower_two;

		String location_uncased_two = unformatted_two.substring(where_dat_comma_at_two + 1, unformatted_two.length());
		String location_low_two = location_uncased_two.substring(1, location_uncased_two.length());
		String location_lower_two = location_low_two.toLowerCase();
		String location_first_letter_two = location_uncased_two.substring(0,1);
		String location_two = location_first_letter_two + location_lower_two;

		Team t1 = new Team(name_one, location_one);
		Team t2 = new Team(name_two, location_two);

		String gOffense = String.format("%.2f", t1.getOffense());
		String gDefense = String.format("%.2f", t1.getDefense());
		String gOffenseTwo = String.format("%.2f", t2.getOffense());
		String gDefenseTwo = String.format("%.2f", t2.getDefense());

		String home_details = name_one + " from " + location_one + " rated " + gOffense + " (offense) " + gDefense + "(defense)";
		String away_details = name_two + " from " + location_two + " rated " + gOffenseTwo + " (offense) " + gDefense + " (defense) ";

		JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "Home team is: " + home_details);
		JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "Away team is: " + away_details);

		//Round 1
		if (, true, t2) == t1) {
			JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "Round 1\n Winner is: " + home_details);
		else {
			JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "Round 1\n Winner is: " + away_details);

		//Round 2
		if (, true, t2) == t1) {
			JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "Round 2\n Winner is: " + home_details);
		else {
			JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "Round 2\n Winner is: " + away_details);

		//Round 3
		if (, true, t2) == t1) {
			JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "Round 3\n Winner is: " + home_details);
		else {
			JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "Round 3\n Winner is: " + away_details);

		JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, t1.generateStats());
		JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, t2.generateStats());