10/15/2014 - 3:05 PM


As well as having the ability to read about ColdFusion, 'Learn CF in a Week' has a Hands On section of the course, giving you the opportunity to create your own ColdFusion web site. During the course, you will take a basic HTML website and add ColdFusion to it, creating a fully functional ColdFusion application.

To be able to take part in the Hands On, you must first install the necessary Application files. To do this, follow the steps below:


  1. Download the sample application files from the download link in the header.
  2. Create a folder in your web root called 'learncfinaweek'. Your webroot is located at: C:\ColdFusion10\cfusion\wwwroot\
  3. Unzip the sample application files into the learncfinaweek folder. The contents of the folder should look like this:
  4. To confirm you have the files in the correct place, go to: http://localhost:8500/learncfinaweek/.
  5. Now that you have the files in the correct place, you now need to run an install script that will populate your database and set up ColdFUsion with the necessary information. Go to: http://localhost:8500/learncfinaweek/install/.
  6. Fill out the form using the passwords from the previous installation processes and click on "Install".
  7. If any problems occur, follow the onscreen instructions on how to correct them. If no problems exist, you are good to start the course.


  1. Download the sample application files from the download link in the header.
  2. Create a folder in your web root called 'learncfinaweek'. Your webroot is located at: /Applications/ColdFusion10/cfusion/wwwroot/
  3. Unzip the sample application files into the learncfinaweek folder. The contents of the folder should look like this:
  4. To confirm you have the files in the correct place, go to: http://localhost:8500/learncfinaweek/.
  5. Now that you have the files in the correct place, you now need to run an install script that will populate your database and set up ColdFUsion with the necessary information. Go to: http://localhost/learncfinaweek/install/.
  6. Fill out the form using the passwords from the previous installation processes and click on "Install".
  7. If any problems occur, follow the onscreen instructions on how to correct them. If no problems exist, you are good to start the course.

How the Hands on Work

Throughout this course you will see a number of hands on pages. These pages give you step by step instructions on what to do to your ColdFusion code. The root of the project is located at: C:\ColdFusion10\cfusion\wwwroot\learncfinaweek\www\ for Windows and /Applications/ColdFusion10/cfusion/wwwroot/learncfinaweek/www/ for Macs.

Inside the 'learncfinaweek' folder, you will see a number of folders that relate to the chapters, such as chapter1Solution, chapter2Solution, and so on. Inside these folders, you will find copies of the code which have all the hands ons completed up until and including that chapter. If at any point you get stuck with a code problem, you can look at these files to see what the solution is. If you are still unable to find what is causing the problem in your code, you can copy the files and folders from the chapter folder and place them in your 'www' folder. Once you have copied them in, you can continue with the next chapter..

Once you have completed the hands on problems, you will have a fully functioning ColdFusion web site that is ready to be launched right away. Included in this application is file manipulation, database calls, remote calls, sending emails, ORM, and a fully secured Admin area.