Perl script to convert KML data exported from Google Latitude into GPX data.
# ONO Hiroki
# Usage: $ ./ *.kml
use strict;
use warnings;
use Data::Dumper;
use Encode;
use utf8;
use open ":utf8";
binmode STDIN, ":utf8";
binmode STDOUT, ":utf8";
binmode STDERR, ":utf8";
foreach my $datafile (@ARGV) {
printf "input: %-40s", $datafile;
my $filename_str = $datafile;
$filename_str =~ s/\.kml$//gi;
#$filename_str =~ s/[^A-Za-z]//gi;
my $output_filename = $filename_str.".gpx";
unless (open KMLFILE, "< $datafile") {
die "Cannot open file:$!";
unless (open GPXFILE, "> $output_filename") {
die "Cannot open file:$!";
print GPXFILE <<'EOS';
<gpx xmlns=""
my $time = q{};
my $date = q{};
while (<KMLFILE>) {
if (m#<when>(.*)</when>#) {
$time = $1;
if ($date eq q{}) {
$date = $time;
$date =~ s/T.*$//;
print GPXFILE " <name>$date</name>\n";
print GPXFILE " <desc>$date</desc>\n";
print GPXFILE " <trkseg>\n";
$time = convert_datetime($time);
if (m#<gx:coord>(\S+)\s+(\S+)\s+(\S+)</gx:coord>#) {
print GPXFILE q{ <trkpt lat="}.$2.q{" lon="}.$1.q{">};
print GPXFILE "\n <ele>$3</ele>\n <time>$time</time>\n </trkpt>\n";
close KMLFILE;
print GPXFILE " </trkseg>\n </trk>\n</gpx>\n";
close GPXFILE;
print " output: ", $output_filename;
print "\n";
sub convert_datetime {
use DateTime::Format::HTTP;
my $str = shift;
my $dt = DateTime::Format::HTTP->parse_datetime($str);
return $dt . "Z";
Google Latitude location history KML export is very interesting. GPS track log is easy to handle geotagging photos than Google Latitude KML data file. I wrote a perl program to convert from KML to GPX track log.
Install DateTime::Format::HTTP
$ cpanm DateTime::Format::HTTP
--> Working on DateTime::Format::HTTP
Fetching ... OK
Configuring DateTime-Format-HTTP-0.40 ... OK
Building and testing DateTime-Format-HTTP-0.40 ... OK
Successfully installed DateTime-Format-HTTP-0.40
1 distribution installed
Convert KML to GPX track log
$ ./ *.kml
input: history-05-19-2013.kml output: history-05-19-2013.gpx
input: history-05-20-2013.kml output: history-05-20-2013.gpx
input: history-05-21-2013.kml output: history-05-21-2013.gpx
input: history-05-22-2013.kml output: history-05-22-2013.gpx