12/12/2013 - 2:27 PM

Blocks block render

Blocks block render

Printing the blocks

/* Print custom block content */
$block = module_invoke('block','block_view','1');
print render($block['content']);
/* Print the whole custom block (with divs, title etc.) */
$block = block_load('block','1');
print drupal_render(_block_get_renderable_array(_block_render_blocks(array($block))));
/* Print a views block */
$block = module_invoke('views','block_view','print_block_test_view-block');
print render($block);


Parameters for the functions:

$module = module name (like block or views)
$hook = hook inside the module to invoke (like block_view)
$delta = identifier of the block (like test_view-block or 1)

You can find the right module and delta name for the block when hovering configure link in blocks page in  #overlay=admin/structure/block
