[al_arrays_ap_anagram] #algo #arrays #aproblem #anagram
Given two strings, check to see if they are anagrams. An anagram is when the two strings can be written using the exact same letters (so you can just rearrange the letters to get a different phrase or word).
"public relations" is an anagram of "crap built on lies."
"clint eastwood" is an anagram of "old west action" Note: Ignore spaces and capitalization. So "d go" is an anagram of "God" and "dog" and "o d g".
szi initial though
count distinct chars in 2 strings if 2 dictionaries are equal we have an anagram
from pprint import pprint as pp
# solution 1 with sorting strings
def anagram1(s1, s2):
#remove spaces and put put all charts to lowercase
s1=s1.replace(' ', '').lower()
s2=s2.replace(' ', '').lower()
#we can compare sorted s1 and s2 and if they are same it's a solution
return sorted(s1) == sorted(s2)
# solution with counting chars. Classic, expected solution
def anagram2(s1, s2):
#remove spaces and put put all charts to lowercase
s1=s1.replace(' ', '').lower()
s2=s2.replace(' ', '').lower()
#easy out
if len(s1) != len(s2):
return False
cnt = {}
for c in range(len(s1)):
if c in cnt:
cnt[c] += 1
cnt[c] = 1
#check s2 with cnt, if the char is found decrease counter
for c in range(len(s2)):
if c in cnt:
cnt[c] -= 1
cnt[c] = 1
#now check if all values in dictionary are at 0
for k in cnt.keys():
if cnt[k] != 0:
return False
return True
# solution which szi initially thoght
def anagram3(s1, s2):
#remove spaces and put put all charts to lowercase
s1=s1.replace(' ', '').lower()
s2=s2.replace(' ', '').lower()
#dictionary 1
cnt1 = {}
for c in range(len(s1)):
if c in cnt1:
cnt1[c] += 1
cnt1[c] = 1
#dictionary 2
cnt2 = {}
for c in range(len(s2)):
if c in cnt2:
cnt2[c] += 1
cnt2[c] = 1
#easy use-case returning false
if len(cnt1) != len(cnt2):
return False
for k in cnt1.keys():
if cnt1[k] != cnt2[k]:
return False
return True
## testing he solution
from nose.tools import assert_equal
class AnagramTest(object):
def test(self,sol):
assert_equal(sol('abc', 'cba'), True)
assert_equal(sol('public relations','crap built on lies'), True)
print('all tests Passed')
#run Tests
t = AnagramTest()