12/28/2013 - 2:07 PM

Python script to delete duplicate tracks from Google Play Music library.

Python script to delete duplicate tracks from Google Play Music library.

#!/usr/bin/env python

from gmusicapi import Mobileclient
from getpass import getpass

client = Mobileclient()
client.login( raw_input( "Username: " ), getpass() )

print "Getting all songs ..."
all_songs = client.get_all_songs()
new_songs = {}
old_songs = {}

for song in all_songs:
    song_id = song.get('id')
    timestamp = song.get('recentTimestamp')
    key = "%s: %d-%02d %s" % ( song.get('album'), song.get('discNumber'), song.get('trackNumber'), song.get('title') )
    if key in new_songs:
        if new_songs[key]['timestamp'] < timestamp:
            old_songs[key] = new_songs[key]
            new_songs[key] = { 'id': song_id, 'timestamp': timestamp }
            old_songs[key] = { 'id': song_id, 'timestamp': timestamp }
    new_songs[key] = { 'id': song_id, 'timestamp': timestamp }

if len( old_songs ):
    print "Duplicate songs"
    old_song_ids = []
    for key in sorted( old_songs.keys() ):
        old_song_ids.append( old_songs[key]['id'] )
        print "    " + key.encode('utf-8')
    if raw_input( "Delete duplicate songs? (y, n): ") is 'y':
        print "Deleting songs ..."
        client.delete_songs( old_song_ids )
    print "No duplicate songs"

Python script to delete duplicate tracks from Google Play Music library. Please retry until "No duplicate songs" message is displayed. Use this script at your own risk. gmusicapi is required.