5/3/2017 - 11:49 AM

StaticContextClaimsProvider for DXA .NET. This lets the web application use some of the basic Context claims without a dependency on the SDL

StaticContextClaimsProvider for DXA .NET. This lets the web application use some of the basic Context claims without a dependency on the SDL Web Context service or the Context ADF cartridge.

<!-- merge this configuration in your dependency injection configuration -->
  <assembly name="Dxa.Test" />
  <namespace name="Dxa.Test.Context" />
    <container name="main">
          <type type="IContextClaimsProvider" mapTo="StaticContextClaimsProvider">
          <lifetime type="singleton" />
using System.Collections.Generic;
using Sdl.Web.Common.Configuration;
using Sdl.Web.Common.Interfaces;

namespace Dxa.Test.Context
    /// <summary>
    /// DXA Context Claims Provider using using a hardcoded set of claims for testing.
    /// </summary>
    public class StaticContextClaimsProvider : IContextClaimsProvider
        public IDictionary<string, object> GetContextClaims(string aspectName, Localization localization)
            IDictionary<string, object> claims = new Dictionary<string, object>();

            // These claims are part of the claims which the ContextServiceClaimsProvider would return for a laptop with 1600x900 screen
            claims.Add("ui.largeBrowser", false);
            claims.Add("browser.displayHeight", 529);
            claims.Add("browser.displayWidth", 1280);
            claims.Add("device.displayHeight", 720);
            claims.Add("device.mobile", false);
            claims.Add("device.robot", false);
            claims.Add("device.tablet", false);
            claims.Add("device.pixeldensity", 217);
            claims.Add("device.displayWidth", 1280);
            claims.Add("device.pixelRatio", 1.25);

            return claims;

        public string GetDeviceFamily()
            return null;