9/16/2019 - 7:42 AM


bitmap implement in go

package bitmap

import (

type bitInt uint

const (
	bitSize    = 32 << (^bitInt(0) >> 63)
	bitmapSize = 4

// Bitmap is the interface of bitSet
type Bitmap interface {
	Add(x int)    // add x to bitmap
	Has(x int)    // return true if x is in bitmap
	Remove(x int) // remove x in bitmap
	Len() int     // return length of bitmap
	Clear()       // clear bitmap to free memory

// NBitmap is a normal bitSet
type NBitmap struct {
	len   int
	words []bitInt

// New return a new bitmap
func New() *NBitmap {
	return &NBitmap{
		len:   0,
		words: make([]bitInt, bitmapSize),

// String return formated string of bitmap
func (n *NBitmap) String() string {
	var buf bytes.Buffer
	for i, word := range n.words {
		if word != 0 {
			for j := 0; j < bitSize; j++ {
				if word&(1<<bitInt(j)) != 0 {
					if buf.Len() > len("{") {
						buf.WriteByte(' ')
					fmt.Fprintf(&buf, "%d", bitSize*i+j)
	return buf.String()

// Len return numbers in bitmap
func (n *NBitmap) Len() int {
	return n.len

// Has return true if x is in the bitmap
func (n *NBitmap) Has(x int) bool {
	if x < 0 {
		return false
	word, bit := x/bitSize, bitInt(x%bitSize)
	return word < len(n.words) && n.words[word]&(1<<bit) != 0

// Add add x to the bitmap
func (n *NBitmap) Add(x int) {
	if x < 0 {
	word, bit := x/bitSize, bitInt(x%bitSize)
	if word >= len(n.words) {
		n.words = append(n.words, make([]bitInt, word+1-len(n.words))...)
	num := bitInt(1 << bit)
	if n.words[word]&num == 0 {
		n.words[word] |= num

// Remove remove x in bitmap
func (n *NBitmap) Remove(x int) {
	if x < 0 {
	word, bit := x/bitSize, bitInt(x%bitSize)
	if word < len(n.words) {
		num := bitInt(1 << bit)
		if n.words[word]&num != 0 {
			n.words[word] &^= num

// Clear make the bitmap empty
func (n *NBitmap) Clear() {
	*n = *New()

// Copy return a copy bitmap
func (n *NBitmap) Copy() *NBitmap {
	new := NBitmap{}
	new.len = n.len
	new.words = make([]bitInt, len(n.words))
	copy(new.words, n.words)
	return &new

// Union n = n | c
// elements in n or c
func (n *NBitmap) Union(c *NBitmap) {
	length := 0
	for i, cword := range c.words {
		if i >= len(n.words) {
			length = i
		n.words[i] |= cword
	if length != 0 {
		n.words = append(n.words, c.words[length:]...)

// Intersect n = n & c
// elements both in n and c
func (n *NBitmap) Intersect(c *NBitmap) {
	for i, cwords := range c.words {
		if i >= len(n.words) {
		n.words[i] &= cwords
	if len(c.words) < len(n.words) {
		n.words = n.words[:len(c.words)]

// Except n = n - c
// elements only in n
func (n *NBitmap) Except(c *NBitmap) {
	for i, cwords := range c.words {
		if i >= len(n.words) {
		n.words[i] &^= cwords

// SymExcept n = (n - c) | (c - n)
// elements only in n or only in c
func (n *NBitmap) SymExcept(c *NBitmap) {
	length := 0
	for i, cwords := range c.words {
		if i >= len(n.words) {
			length = i
		n.words[i] = (n.words[i] &^ cwords) | (cwords &^ n.words[i])
	if length != 0 {
		n.words = append(n.words, c.words[length:]...)

// RBitmap is a bitSet count in [start, end)
type RBitmap struct {
	len   int
	start int
	end   int
	words []bitInt

// NewR return a new bitmap, count in [start, end)
func NewR(start int, end int) *RBitmap {
	if start >= end {
		return nil
	return &RBitmap{
		len:   0,
		start: start,
		end:   end,
		words: make([]bitInt, bitmapSize),

// String return formated string of bitmap
func (r *RBitmap) String() string {
	var buf bytes.Buffer
	for i, word := range r.words {
		if word != 0 {
			for j := 0; j < bitSize; j++ {
				if word&(1<<bitInt(j)) != 0 {
					if buf.Len() > len("{") {
						buf.WriteByte(' ')
					fmt.Fprintf(&buf, "%d", r.start+bitSize*i+j)
	return buf.String()

// Len return numbers in bitmap
func (r *RBitmap) Len() int {
	return r.len

// Has return true if x is in the bitmap
func (r *RBitmap) Has(x int) bool {
	if x < r.start || x >= r.end {
		return false
	x -= r.start
	word, bit := x/bitSize, bitInt(x%bitSize)
	return word < len(r.words) && r.words[word]&(1<<bit) != 0

// Add add x to the bitmap
func (r *RBitmap) Add(x int) {
	if x < r.start || x >= r.end {
	x -= r.start
	word, bit := x/bitSize, bitInt(x%bitSize)
	if word >= len(r.words) {
		r.words = append(r.words, make([]bitInt, word+1-len(r.words))...)
	num := bitInt(1 << bit)
	if r.words[word]&num == 0 {
		r.words[word] |= num

// Remove remove x in bitmap
func (r *RBitmap) Remove(x int) {
	if x < r.start || x >= r.end {
	x -= r.start
	word, bit := x/bitSize, bitInt(x%bitSize)
	if word < len(r.words) {
		num := bitInt(1 << bit)
		if r.words[word]&num != 0 {
			r.words[word] &^= num

// Clear make the bitmap empty
func (r *RBitmap) Clear() {
	*r = *NewR(r.start, r.end)

// Copy return a copy bitmap
func (r *RBitmap) Copy() *RBitmap {
	new := RBitmap{}
	new.len = r.len
	new.start = r.start
	new.end = r.end
	new.words = make([]bitInt, len(r.words))
	copy(new.words, r.words)
	return &new

// Union r = r | c
// elements in r or c
// r must have the same range of c
func (r *RBitmap) Union(c *RBitmap) {
	if r.start != c.start || r.end != c.end {
	length := 0
	for i, cword := range c.words {
		if i >= len(r.words) {
			length = i
		r.words[i] |= cword
	if length != 0 {
		r.words = append(r.words, c.words[length:]...)

// Intersect r = r & c
// elements both in r and c
// r must have the same range of c
func (r *RBitmap) Intersect(c *RBitmap) {
	if r.start != c.start || r.end != c.end {
	for i, cwords := range c.words {
		if i >= len(r.words) {
		r.words[i] &= cwords
	if len(c.words) < len(r.words) {
		r.words = r.words[:len(c.words)]

// Except r = r - c
// elements only in r
// r must have the same range of c
func (r *RBitmap) Except(c *RBitmap) {
	if r.start != c.start || r.end != c.end {
	for i, cwords := range c.words {
		if i >= len(r.words) {
		r.words[i] &^= cwords

// SymExcept r = (r - c) | (c - r)
// elements only in r or only in c
// r must have the same range of c
func (r *RBitmap) SymExcept(c *RBitmap) {
	if r.start != c.start || r.end != c.end {
	length := 0
	for i, cwords := range c.words {
		if i >= len(r.words) {
			length = i
		r.words[i] = (r.words[i] &^ cwords) | (cwords &^ r.words[i])
	if length != 0 {
		r.words = append(r.words, c.words[length:]...)

// CBitmap is a bitSet
type CBitmap struct {
	len     int
	n       bitInt
	bitSize int
	mask    int
	numSize int
	words   []bitInt

// NewC return a new bitmap
func NewC(n int) *CBitmap {
	if n <= 0 || n > (1<<(bitSize-1)-1) {
		return nil
	numSize := int(math.Log2(float64(n)))
	c := CBitmap{}
	c.len = 0
	c.n = bitInt(n)
	c.numSize = numSize + 1
	c.bitSize = bitSize / c.numSize
	c.mask = (1 << bitInt(c.numSize)) - 1
	c.words = make([]bitInt, bitmapSize)
	return &c

// String return formated string of bitmap
func (c *CBitmap) String() string {
	var buf bytes.Buffer
	for i, word := range c.words {
		if word != 0 {
			for j := 0; j < c.bitSize; j += c.numSize {
				if word&(bitInt(c.mask<<bitInt(j))) != 0 {
					if buf.Len() > len("{") {
						buf.WriteByte(' ')
					fmt.Fprintf(&buf, "%d", c.bitSize*i+j/c.numSize)
	return buf.String()

// Len return numbers in bitmap
func (c *CBitmap) Len() int {
	return c.len

// Has return true if x is in the bitmap
func (c *CBitmap) Has(x int) bool {
	if x < 0 {
		return false
	word, bit := x/c.bitSize, bitInt(x%c.bitSize*c.numSize)
	return word < len(c.words) && c.words[word]&(1<<bit) != 0

// Add add x to the bitmap
func (c *CBitmap) Add(x int) {
	if x < 0 {
	word, bit := x/c.bitSize, bitInt(x%c.bitSize*c.numSize)
	if word >= len(c.words) {
		c.words = append(c.words, make([]bitInt, word+1-len(c.words))...)
	numSize := bitInt(c.mask << bit)
	if c.words[word]&numSize == 0 {
	if ((c.words[word] & numSize) >> bit) < c.n {
		c.words[word] += 1 << bit

// Remove remove x in bitmap
func (c *CBitmap) Remove(x int) {
	if x < 0 {
	word, bit := x/c.bitSize, bitInt(x%c.bitSize*c.numSize)
	if word < len(c.words) {
		numSize := bitInt(c.mask << bit)
		if c.words[word]&numSize != 0 {
			c.words[word] -= 1 << bit
			if c.words[word]&numSize == 0 {

// Count return the numSize of x elements
func (c *CBitmap) Count(x int) int {
	if x < 0 {
		return 0
	word, bit := x/c.bitSize, bitInt(x%c.bitSize*c.numSize)
	if word >= len(c.words) {
		return 0
	numSize := bitInt(c.mask << bit)
	return int((numSize & c.words[word]) >> bit)

// RemoveAll remove x in bitmap
func (c *CBitmap) RemoveAll(x int) {
	if x < 0 {
	word, bit := x/c.bitSize, bitInt(x%c.bitSize*c.numSize)
	if word < len(c.words) {
		numSize := bitInt(c.mask << bit)
		if c.words[word]&numSize != 0 {
			c.words[word] &^= numSize

// Clear make the bitmap empty
func (c *CBitmap) Clear() {
	*c = *NewC(int(c.n))

// Copy return a copy bitmap
func (c *CBitmap) Copy() *CBitmap {
	new := CBitmap{}
	new.len = c.len
	new.n = c.n
	new.mask = c.mask
	new.bitSize = c.bitSize
	new.numSize = c.numSize
	new.words = make([]bitInt, len(c.words))
	copy(new.words, c.words)
	return &new

// RCBitmap is a bitSet count in [start, end)
type RCBitmap struct {
	len        int
	n          bitInt
	start, end int
	bitSize    int
	mask       int
	numSize    int
	words      []bitInt

// NewRC return a new bitmap count [start, end)
func NewRC(start int, end int, n int) *RCBitmap {
	if n <= 0 || n > (1<<(bitSize-1)-1) || start >= end {
		return nil
	numSize := int(math.Log2(float64(n)))
	rc := RCBitmap{}
	rc.len = 0
	rc.n = bitInt(n)
	rc.start, rc.end = start, end
	rc.numSize = numSize + 1
	rc.bitSize = bitSize / rc.numSize
	rc.mask = (1 << bitInt(rc.numSize)) - 1
	rc.words = make([]bitInt, bitmapSize)
	return &rc

// String return formated string of bitmap
func (rc *RCBitmap) String() string {
	var buf bytes.Buffer
	for i, word := range rc.words {
		if word != 0 {
			for j := 0; j < rc.bitSize; j += rc.numSize {
				if word&(bitInt(rc.mask<<bitInt(j))) != 0 {
					if buf.Len() > len("{") {
						buf.WriteByte(' ')
					fmt.Fprintf(&buf, "%d", rc.start+rc.bitSize*i+j/rc.numSize)
	return buf.String()

// Len return numbers in bitmap
func (rc *RCBitmap) Len() int {
	return rc.len

// Has return true if x is in the bitmap
func (rc *RCBitmap) Has(x int) bool {
	if x < rc.start || x >= rc.end {
		return false
	x -= rc.start
	word, bit := x/rc.bitSize, bitInt(x%rc.bitSize*rc.numSize)
	return word < len(rc.words) && rc.words[word]&(1<<bit) != 0

// Add add x to the bitmap
func (rc *RCBitmap) Add(x int) {
	if x < rc.start || x >= rc.end {
	x -= rc.start
	word, bit := x/rc.bitSize, bitInt(x%rc.bitSize*rc.numSize)
	if word >= len(rc.words) {
		rc.words = append(rc.words, make([]bitInt, word+1-len(rc.words))...)
	numSize := bitInt(rc.mask << bit)
	if rc.words[word]&numSize == 0 {
	if ((rc.words[word] & numSize) >> bit) < rc.n {
		rc.words[word] += 1 << bit

// Remove remove x in bitmap
func (rc *RCBitmap) Remove(x int) {
	if x < rc.start || x >= rc.end {
	x -= rc.start
	word, bit := x/rc.bitSize, bitInt(x%rc.bitSize*rc.numSize)
	if word < len(rc.words) {
		numSize := bitInt(rc.mask << bit)
		if rc.words[word]&numSize != 0 {
			rc.words[word] -= 1 << bit
			if rc.words[word]&numSize == 0 {

// Count return the numSize of x elements
func (rc *RCBitmap) Count(x int) int {
	if x < rc.start || x >= rc.end {
		return 0
	x -= rc.start
	word, bit := x/rc.bitSize, bitInt(x%rc.bitSize*rc.numSize)
	if word >= len(rc.words) {
		return 0
	numSize := bitInt(rc.mask << bit)
	return int((numSize & rc.words[word]) >> bit)

// RemoveAll remove x in bitmap
func (rc *RCBitmap) RemoveAll(x int) {
	if x < rc.start || x >= rc.end {
	x -= rc.start
	word, bit := x/rc.bitSize, bitInt(x%rc.bitSize*rc.numSize)
	if word < len(rc.words) {
		numSize := bitInt(rc.mask << bit)
		if rc.words[word]&numSize != 0 {
			rc.words[word] &^= numSize

// Clear make the bitmap empty
func (rc *RCBitmap) Clear() {
	*rc = *NewRC(rc.start, rc.end, int(rc.n))

// Copy return a copy bitmap
func (rc *RCBitmap) Copy() *RCBitmap {
	new := RCBitmap{}
	new.len = rc.len
	new.n = rc.n
	new.start, new.end = rc.start, rc.end
	new.mask = rc.mask
	new.bitSize = rc.bitSize
	new.numSize = rc.numSize
	new.words = make([]bitInt, len(rc.words))
	copy(new.words, rc.words)
	return &new


bitmap for go. Bitmap is a suitable data structure to count integer in certain range, it uses one bit to represent one integer. Here I implement a bitmap in golang, it's fast and space efficient. Here is the bitmap interface:

type Bitmap interface {
    Add(x int)     // add x to bitmap
    Has(x int)     // return true if x is in bitmap
    Remove(x int)  // remove x in bitmap 
    Len() int      // return length of bitmap
    Clear()        // clear bitmap to free memory

I implement four type of bitmap:

  • NBitmap: normal bitmap, including set operation, use New() to get it.
  • RBitmap: range bitmap, including set operation, use NewR(start, end) to get it.
  • CBitmap: bitmap that can count elements, use NewC(n) to get it.
  • RCBitmap: range bitmap that can count elements, use NewRC(start, end, n) to get it.


NBitmap is normal bitmap, including set operation.

// get a new bitmap
b := bitmap.New()
// add elements
// String
b.String() // {10 100}
// Length
b.Len() // 2
// check if has the elements
if b.Has(100) {/* code */}
// Remove elements
// Clear bitmap
// do this to manually free memory
// operation for sets
c := bitmap.New()
// Union b |= c
// elements in b or c
// Intersect b &= c
// elements both in b and c
// Except b -= c
// elements only in b
// SymExcept b = (b - c) | (c - b)
// elements only in b or only in c


RBitmap is a range bitmap, it's similar to NBitmap, all elements should be in the range. notice: set operations can only work on two bitmap with same range.

b := bitmap.NewR(0, 5) // this bitmap is used to count [0, 4]


CBitmap is a bitmap that can count elements.

// get a new bitmap of CBitmap, it can count to 5
b := bitmap.NewC(5)
// add elements
// Count
b.Count(10)  // 3
// String
b.String() // {10 100}
// Length
b.Len() // 2
// check if has the elements
if b.Has(100) {/* code */}
// Remove elements
// Clear bitmap
// do this to manually free memory


RCBitmap is a range CBitmap

b := bitmap.NewRC(0, 5, 4) // count [0, 4], the max count number is 4.