9/30/2018 - 8:58 PM

send commads

; close context menu CTRL+ALT
Send {RCtrl DOWN}{Alt DOWN}{Alt UP}{RCtrl UP}

; detect context menu
	GuiThreadInfoSize = 48
	VarSetCapacity(GuiThreadInfo, 48)
	NumPut(GuiThreadInfoSize, GuiThreadInfo, 0)
	if not DllCall("GetGUIThreadInfo", uint, 0, str, GuiThreadInfo)
		MsgBox GetGUIThreadInfo() indicated a failure.
	; GuiThreadInfo contains a DWORD flags at byte 4
	; Bit 4 of this flag is set if the thread is in menu mode. GUI_INMENUMODE = 0x4
	if (NumGet(GuiThreadInfo, 4) & 0x4)
		send {escape}