This script generates 100 random strings. The commented part enables all letters and numbers.
#Add SharePoint PowerShell Snapin which adds SharePoint specific cmdlets
Add-PSSnapin Microsoft.SharePoint.PowerShell -EA SilentlyContinue
$webUrl = "http://spsvde001/Greater5KSite"
$listName = "Greater5K"
# Open web and library
$web = Get-SPWeb $webUrl
$list = $web.Lists[$listName]
$i = 0
for($i -eq 0;$i -lt 6000;$i++){
$Private:OFS = ""
$PasswordLength = 5
$InclChars = ‘abcdefghkmnprstuvwxyzABCDEFGHKLMNPRSTUVWXYZ123456789’
$RandomChar = 1..$PasswordLength | ForEach-Object { Get-Random -Maximum $InclChars.length }
$RandomPassowrdChar = [String]$InclChars[$RandomChar]
$InclNums = "123456789"
$RandomNums = 1..$PasswordLength | ForEach-Object { Get-Random -Maximum $InclNums.length }
$RandomPassowrd = [String]$InclNums[$RandomNums]
#$ItemTitle = $RandomPassowrd
$newItem = $list.AddItem()
$newItem["Title"] = $RandomPassowrdChar
$newItem["NumberField"] = $RandomPassowrd
write-host "****************************************"
write-host "Item created"
#Dispose web
#Add SharePoint PowerShell Snapin which adds SharePoint specific cmdlets
Add-PSSnapin Microsoft.SharePoint.PowerShell -EA SilentlyContinue
$webUrl = "http://spsvde001/twf"
$listName = "Test Number Conv"
# Open web and library
$web = Get-SPWeb $webUrl
$list = $web.Lists[$listName]
$i = 0
for($i -eq 0;$i -lt 100;$i++){
$Private:OFS = ""
$PasswordLength = 5
##$InclChars = ‘abcdefghkmnprstuvwxyzABCDEFGHKLMNPRSTUVWXYZ123456789’
$InclChars = "123456789"
$RandomNums = 1..$PasswordLength | ForEach-Object { Get-Random -Maximum $InclChars.length }
$RandomPassowrd = [String]$InclChars[$RandomNums]
$ItemTitle = $RandomPassowrd
$newItem = $list.AddItem()
$newItem["TestNum"] = $ItemTitle
write-host "****************************************"
write-host "Item created"
#Dispose web
#Add SharePoint PowerShell Snapin which adds SharePoint specific cmdlets
Add-PSSnapin Microsoft.SharePoint.PowerShell -EA SilentlyContinue
# Script settings
$webUrl = "http://spsvde001/twf"
$listName = "Test Capitalization"
# Open web and library
$web = Get-SPWeb $webUrl
$list = $web.Lists[$listName]
$newItem = $list.AddItem()
$newItem["Title"] = $ItemTitle
write-host "****************************************"
write-host "Item created"
#Dispose web