3/25/2020 - 6:21 PM

Meraki ALL

//Custom Fonts//
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//---End Custom Layouts Syling---
//Font Color Subs//
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//End Testimonial//
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//End Split Layout//

//Order of sections//
@media screen and (max-width:720px) {
#home-banner {
 order: 1;
#home-team {
 order: 2;
#banner-2 {
 order: 3;
#learn-instagram-small {
 order: 4;
#learn-instagram-big-ltgray {
 order: 5;
#optimize-instagram-big-gray {
 order: 7;
#optimize-instagram-small {
 order: 6;
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 order: 8;
#instagram-big-manage-ltgray {
 order: 9;
#testimonial {
 order: 10;
#banner-3 {
 order: 11;
#instagram {
 order: 12;
//End HOME//
//Insta Training//
@media screen and (max-width:720px) {
#training-banner {
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#right-place {
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 order: 3;
#we-help-instagram-small {
 order: 4;
#help-instagram-big-nude {
 order: 5;
#testimonial-2 {
 order: 6;
#look-instagram-small {
 order: 7;
#look-like-instagram-big-nude {
 order: 8;
#testimonial-3 {
 order: 9;
#stick-instagram-small {
 order: 10;
#stick-with-us-instagram-big-nude {
 order: 11;
#meet-your-teacher {
 order: 12;
#want-to-join {
 order: 13;
//End Insta Training//
//Insta MGMT//
@media screen and (max-width:720px) {
#management-banner {
 order: 1;
#from-here {
 order: 2;
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 order: 4;
#testimonial-4 {
 order: 5;
#strategy-instagram-small {
 order: 6;
#strategy-instagram-big-ltgray {
 order: 7;
#creation-instagram-small {
 order: 8;
#creation-instagram-big-gray {
 order: 9;
#instagram-small-community {
 order: 10;
#instagram-big-management-ltgray {
 order: 11;
#work-with-us {
 order: 12;
//End Insta MGMT//