Useful if you want to manipulate the source of the data you're using in a query.
\!h Example - convert years to months in producer list:
SELECT producer_name, months FROM -- returns producer_name and months from the subquery
-- subquery returns two columns, producer_name and months(alias for years multiplied by 12), from the producer table
(SELECT producer_name, years*12 AS months FROM producer) AS prod; -- 2nd alias here needs to be included
| producer_name | months |
| Phil Spector | 432 |
| George Martin | 480 |
| Tina Weymouth | 240 |
| Chris Frantz | 240 |
| Ed Kuepper | 180 |
\!h Example 2 - average number of albums we own by each artist:
-- avg of 'albums' subquery
-- subquery returns no. of unique albums and aliases it 'albums'
(SELECT COUNT(*) AS albums FROM artist INNER JOIN album
USING (artist_id) GROUP BY artist.artist_id) AS alb;
| AVG(albums) |
| 2.1667 |
\!h These subqueries are a good way to apply two aggregate functions to one set of data
-- This is because things like AVG(COUNT(*)) wont work.