7/10/2019 - 9:00 PM

https and nginx redirect


Redirect everything to SSL (personal config on UNIX with IPv4, IPv6, SPDY, ...): http://stackoverflow.com/a/11733363/2172151

# Redirect all www to non-www
server {
    server_name          www.example.com;
    ssl_certificate      ssl/example.com/crt;
    ssl_certificate_key  ssl/example.com/key;
    listen               *:80;
    listen               *:443 ssl spdy;
    listen               [::]:80 ipv6only=on;
    listen               [::]:443 ssl spdy ipv6only=on;

    return 301 https://example.com$request_uri;

# Redirect all non-encrypted to encrypted
server {
    server_name          example.com;
    listen               *:80;
    listen               [::]:80;

    return 301 https://example.com$request_uri;

# There we go!
server {
    server_name          example.com;
    ssl_certificate      ssl/example.com/crt;
    ssl_certificate_key  ssl/example.com/key;
    listen               *:443 ssl spdy;
    listen               [::]:443 ssl spdy;

    # rest goes here...


curl -I http://www.example.com