TUAW > AppleScript > Generate OmniFocus Phone Followups from Contacts
-- "using terms from" is necessary to let AppleScript know that these event handlers are terminology that belongs to the Contacts app.
using terms from application "Contacts"
-- This handler returns the Contacts property for which the plug-in should function.
on action property
return "phone"
end action property
-- This handler returns the name of the plug-in to be displayed in the Contacts property popup menu.
on action title
return "Follow Up with OmniFocus"
end action title
-- This handler basically tells the Contacts app that this plug-in should be enabled for a given person.
on should enable action with theProperty for thePerson
if theProperty is not equal to missing value then
return true
return false
end if
end should enable action
-- This handler runs when the plug-in is selected from the Contacts property popup menu.
on perform action with theProperty for thePerson
-- Target the contact from where the plug-in was triggered
tell application "Contacts"
tell thePerson
-- Determine whether the contact is a company, and if so, retrieve their company name.
if company = true then
set theName to organization
-- If the company name is not populated, then retrieve their name.
if theName = missing value then set theName to name
-- If the contact is not a company then retrieve their name.
set theName to name
end if
end tell
-- Retrieve the value of the property that triggered the plug-in. This should be the contact's phone number.
set thePhoneNumber to value of theProperty
end tell
-- Target OmniFocus' quick entry window
tell application "OmniFocus"
tell quick entry
-- Create a new followup task and note.
make new inbox task with properties {name:"Phone Call Followup with " & theName, note:"Phone Number: " & thePhoneNumber}
-- Expand the task to display the note.
set note expanded of every tree to true
-- Open the task
end tell
end tell
end perform action
end using terms from