CRUD Practice
The functions to Create, Read, Update, and Delete resources are fundamental components of a usable storage model. You have now seen a couple of examples for how the CRUD paradigm can help us design systems. Now, try to use CRUD to list out routes for a new example model. Imagine we are trying to design a system that keeps track of workout classes, including the name of each class, who teaches it, and the duration of the class. An example class object would look like:
"class": {
"id": 1
"name": “Pure Strength”,
“trainer”: “Bicep Bob”,
"duration": 1.5
All of the classes are stored in a classes resource at
For each CRUD operation, write out answers to the following questions:
What routes would you need to implement to provide your workout class model with this CRUD functionality and what are their corresponding HTTP verbs?
What effect would each route have on the database?
What response body would each route return?
What response code would each route return?
CRUD Practice Answers
1) Create
Route: POST /classes
Effect on Database: Adds the class provided in the request body to the database
Response Body: { "class": The Newly-Created Class }
Success Response Code: 201
2) Read (All Classes)
Route: GET /classes
Effect on Database: None
Response Body: { "classes": [ Array of All Saved Classess ] }
Success Response Code: 200
3) Read (One Class)
Route: GET /classes/:id
Effect on Database: None
Response Body: { "class": The class with the specified ID }
Success Response Code: 200
4) Update
Route: PUT /classes/:id
Effect on Database: Updates the class with the specified ID to have the class information provided in the request body
Response Body: { "class": The updated class now saved in the database }
Success Response Code: 200
5) Delete
Route: DELETE /classes/:id
Effect on Database: Removes the class with the specified ID from the database
Response Body: None
Success Response Code: 204
As you get more practice with designing storage systems, incorporating CRUD operations into your models will become easier and easier.