cljphp - implementing clojure std lib in php -
* Returns the first item in an array.
function first(array $arr) {
$copy = array_slice($arr, 0, 1, true);
return array_shift($copy);
* Returns the last item in an array.
function last(array $arr) {
$copy = array_slice($arr, 0, NULL, true);
return array_pop($copy);
* Returns all but the first item in an array.
function rest(array $arr) {
return array_slice($arr, 1, NULL, true);
* Returns all but the last item in an array.
function butlast(array $arr) {
$copy = array_slice($arr, 0, -1, true);
return $copy;
* Returns true if the given predicate is true for all elements.
* credit: array_every and array_some.php
function every($callback, array $arr) {
foreach ($arr as $element) {
if (!$callback($element)) {
return FALSE;
return TRUE;
* Returns true if the given predicate is true for at least one element.
* credit: array_every and array_some.php
function some($callback, array $arr) {
foreach ($arr as $element) {
if ($callback($element)) {
return TRUE;
return FALSE;
* Returns true if the given predicate is not true for all elements.
function not_every($callback, array $arr) {
return !every($callable, $arr);
* Alias call_user_func_array to apply.
function apply($callback, array $args) {
return call_user_func_array($callback, $args);
* Takes a fn f and returns a fn that takes the same args as f,
* has the same effects, if any, and returns the opposite truth value.
function complement($f) {
return function() use ($f) {
$args = func_get_args();
return !apply($f, $args);
* These are the standard arities for these functions in PHP.
* array_map($callback, $arr)
* array_filter($arr, $callback, $flag=NULL)
* array_reduce($arr, $callback, $initial=NULL)
* Lets normalize them.
* Applies to each item in array, return new array.
function map($callback, array $arr) {
return array_map($callback, $arr);
* Return a new array with elements for which predicate returns true.
function filter($callback, array $arr, $flag=0) {
return array_filter($arr, $callback, $flag);
* Return a new array with elements for which predicate returns false.
function remove($callback, array $arr, $flag=0) {
return filter(complement($callback), $arr, $flag);
* cons(truct)
* Returns a new array where x is the first element and $arr is the rest.
function cons($x, array $arr) {
return array_merge(array($x), $arr);
* conj(oin)
* Returns a new arr with the xs added.
* @param $arr
* @param & xs add'l args to be added to $arr.
function conj() {
$args = func_get_args();
$arr = first($args);
return array_merge($arr, rest($args));
* Alias array_merge to concat.
function concat() {
$arrs = func_get_args();
return apply('array_merge', $arrs);
* Returns a sequence of the first item in each collection then the second, etc.
function interleave() {
$arrs = func_get_args();
$firsts = map('first', $arrs);
$rests = map('rest', $arrs);
if (every(function($a) { return !empty($a); }, $rests)) {
return concat($firsts, apply('interleave', $rests));
return $firsts;
* Alias implode to interpose.
function interpose($glue, array $pieces) {
return implode($glue, $pieces);
* Returns true if number is even.
function even($n) {
return $n % 2 == 0;
* Returns true if number is odd.
function odd($n) {
return complement('even');
* Takes a set of fns, returns new fn of variable args
* that applies the rightmost fn, and so on.
* Note on lambdas:
function comp() {
$fns = func_get_args();
return function() use ($fns) {
$args = func_get_args();
$l = function($xs, $fns) use (&$l) {
if (empty($fns)) {
return $xs;
return $l(apply(last($fns), (array)$xs), butlast($fns));
return $l($args, $fns);
function juxt() {
$fns = func_get_args();
return function() use ($fns) {
$args = func_get_args();
$l = function($fn) use ($args) {
return apply($fn, $args);
return map($l, $fns);
function loop(array $bindings) {