8/13/2016 - 10:12 AM

Simple Album Proofing

Simple Album Proofing

#Simple Album Proofing

Notes and ideas for building a simple album proofing plugin for wordpress

I would like to create a plugin that gives clients a simple way to create and manage album proofing from within a wordpress website.


  • Custom Post Type

  • Custom Post Status

    • Help distinguish albums that are in review, approved, or completed.
  • Custom Taxonomy for organizing albums

  • User access control

    • Perhaps we can simply use the built in password protected post, but this may need to be customized to make it easier for the end user.
  • Custom Post Meta

    • Most likely replace the default post editor with custom meta fields to hold the album proofs and provide other information:
    • Custom message, header image
    • Album Spreads
    • Album Size
    • Album Page Count (auto generated via # of images?)
    • Album Print details (cover, paper & bidding information)
    • Album Price?
    • Album Printer (Private?)
    • Social Share? (After approval)
    • Private notes
  • I am thinking of using post attachment pages for the individual spread presentation to allow commenting and feedback on a spread by spread basis.

  • Perhaps add some sort of ajax or animation to add some visual appeal and sense of "pages" in a spread.

  • Easy navigation between the spreads and a quick way to return to an overview of all the spreads.

  • A way to comment on the whole book in general and a way to comment on each spread individually.

  • The ability to mark spreads as completed or the whole book as approved.

Bigger Ideas

  • A way to have those comments and responses to those comments emailed to commentators and admins.
  • A way for a book to be automatically approved after each spread is marked as completed.
  • Make smaller pdf or sharable versions and files available at a certain point.
  • Make sending emails and passwords to clients easy form the admin area. Once click "Join Me" emails.