Bash - Create Desktop Item. This file is to be placed just above the bin directory.
DIR=`dirname $0`
cd $DIR
./java -m Passwords/passwords.Main -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 $@
This will ensure that the working directory of the app will be the bin directory.
# Hello!!!
# To run this file, click with the right button of the mouse
# and check Properties > Permissions > Allow Executing this app
# then click on it again and execute it.
# After that, go to the Desktop. There you will see a new desktop item.
# Click on this desktop item and allow it run
# to launch the application
DIR="$(dirname $0)"
if [ -e $FILE ]; then
echo "Desktop item $FILE already exists!"
read -n 1 -s -r -p "Press any key to finish... "
echo "#!/usr/bin/env xdg-open" >> $FILE
echo "[Desktop Entry]" >> $FILE
echo "Type=Application" >> $FILE
echo "Terminal=true" >> $FILE
echo "Exec=bash $DIR/bin/password" >> $FILE
echo "Name=My New Passwords" >> $FILE
echo "Icon=$DIR/bin/password.png" >> $FILE
chmod u+x $FILE