11/10/2016 - 6:41 AM

A Windows registry snippet which creates a non-removable Google Drive shortcut in the Windows Explorer sidebar similar to Dropbox and OneDri

A Windows registry snippet which creates a non-removable Google Drive shortcut in the Windows Explorer sidebar similar to Dropbox and OneDrive.


  1. Backup registry

  2. Open GoogleDrive.reg in your favourite text editor.

  3. Update the %USERPROFILE% values for TargetFolderPath so that the final value is the full path to your Google Drive folder. Ensure that you use \\ in the folder path structure. (eg. "TargetFolderPath"="X:\\Google Drive")

  4. Save all changes

  5. Double-click GoogleDrive.reg to install and ensure you click yes when prompted.

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

@="Google Drive"



@="Google Drive"



@="C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Google\\Drive\\googledrivesync.exe,0"


"TargetFolderPath"="%USERPROFILE%\\Google Drive"


@="Google Drive"

@="C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Google\\Drive\\googledrivesync.exe,0"


"TargetFolderPath"="%USERPROFILE%\\Google Drive"