10/26/2017 - 5:06 AM


VIM的应用技巧, vim



// vi: ft=groovy

注意:在不同的文件类型内,要用对应的注释语句,比如在 python 文件内应该使用

# vi: ft=python


set ff=unix
set ff=dos


" 全部大写

" 首字母大写

\0&表示引用整个匹配字符串,\u表示下一个字符变为大写,\U表示其后字符变为大写,直到\e\E出现。具体内容可以查看帮助:h :s\=



:!python %

!{cmd}在vim中执行外部命令(查看帮助:h :!),%为当前编辑的文件名(查看帮助:h cmdline-special:h :_%)。


:w !sudo tee %

w !{cmd}将整个buffer作为标准输入执行{cmd}(查看帮助:h :w_c),%为当前编辑的文件名,tee从标准输入读取内容后再将内容写到标准输出及文件中(类似T型三通)


:sort u

" 忽略大小写
:sort iu


" 查看count-items帮助
:h count-items

" 查看s_flags了解替换标志
:h s_flags

" 使用substitute命令
:%s/./&/gn            " characters
:%s/\i\+/&/gn         " words
:%s/^//n              " lines
:%s/the/&/gn          " 'the' anywhere
:%s/\<the\>/&/gn      " 'the' as a word


:redir > match.txt
:redir END

要注意的是,:g/regex/w match.txt并不会将匹配的行写入新文件,而是在每次匹配到的行上执行w match.txt命令,并且是将当前buffer的所有内容写入新文件。


使用vim内置命令line(),用法可以查看帮助 :h line():h :.

:%s/^/\=line('.') . '、'/

'.'表示所在行的行号。当:s 命令的替换字符串以"\="开头时,表示以表达式的计算结果作为替换值,.用于连接字符串。

多行匹配(multiline match)

vim中默认是单行匹配,比如/hello\sworld/,只能匹配单行中"hello world",其中\s匹配空格或tab。如果希望多行匹配,可以使用/hello\_sworld/,这里的_s表示匹配空格、tab和换行符。


  • \n a newline character (line ending)
  • \_s a whitespace (space or tab) or newline character
  • \_^ the beginning of a line (zero width)
  • \_$ the end of a line (zero width)
  • \_. any character including a newline


  • /hello\n*world

    1. Finds hello followed by zero or more newlines then world.
    2. Finds helloworld or hello followed by blank lines and world.
    3. The blank lines have to be empty (no space or tab characters).
  • /hello\_s*world

    1. Finds hello followed by any whitespace or newlines then world.
    2. Finds helloworld or hello followed by blank lines and world.
    3. The blank lines can contain any number of space or tab characters.
    4. There may be whitespace after hello or before world.
  • /hello\_$\_s*world

    1. Finds hello at end-of-line followed by any whitespace or newlines then world.
    2. There must be no characters (other than a newline) following hello.
    3. There can be any number of space, tab or newline characters before world.
  • /hello\_s*\_^world

    1. Finds hello followed by any whitespace or newlines then world where world begins a line.
    2. There must be no characters (other than a newline) before world.
    3. There can be any number of space, tab or newline characters after hello.
  • /hello\_$world
    Finds nothing because \_$ is "zero width" so the search is looking for helloworld where hello is also at end-of-line (which cannot occur).

  • /hello\_^world
    Finds nothing because \_^ is "zero width" so the search is looking for helloworld where world is also at beginning-of-line (which cannot occur).

  • /hello\_.\{-}world

    1. Finds hello followed by any characters or newlines (as few as possible) then world.
    2. Finds helloworld or hello followed by any characters then world.
  • /hello\(\_s.*\)\{0,18\}\_sworld

    1. Finds a block of 0 to 18 lines enclosed by hello and world.
    2. limiting the number of lines is important, replacing this by a star will cause vim to consume 100% CPU.