Downloadable Excel charts in PHP with Laravel
For Laravel 4.x : "maatwebsite/excel": "1.*"
For Laravel 5 you can use the newer version.
<form action="/ppd/download-excel" method="POST" id="download-ppd">
<input id="form-filter-data" name="filter-data" type="hidden">
<input id="form-image-data" name="image-data" type="hidden">
<a href="#" id="export-excel" class="btn btn-success pull-right">
<i class="fa fa-file-excel-o"></i> Export to Excel
$('#export-excel').click( function(e) {
if(chart.chartData == false) {
return false;
filters = $('#pricepaid-filters').serialize();
chartImage = chart.lineChart.toBase64Image();
PHP controller
public function postDownloadExcel() {
$filterData = Request::input();
$chartImageData = $filterData['image-data'];
$chartImageData = substr($chartImageData, strpos($chartImageData,',') + 1);
parse_str($filterData['filter-data'], $filterData);
try {
$ppd = ServiceFactory::getInstance('PricePaidData');
$data = $ppd->getFilteredData($filterData);
// save image
$imageData = base64_decode($chartImageData);
$fileName = '/tmp/' . md5(rand(0,999999999)) . '.png';
if(!file_put_contents($fileName, $imageData)) {
Log::error('Could not save the file to ' . $fileName . ' (size is ' . strlen($imageData) . ')');
throw new Exception('Failed to save the image file');
$data['image_file'] = $fileName;
} catch (GUIException $e) {
Log::error(__METHOD__ . $e->getMessage());
Excel::create('Pricepaid data', function($excel) use ($data, $filterData) {
$excel->sheet('Pricepaid', function($sheet) use ($data) {
$excel->sheet('Filters Used', function($sheet) use ($filterData) {
$excel->setTitle('Price Paid Data');
$user = Auth::user();
->setCompany('Pegasus Life');
$excel->setDescription('Price Paid data export view');