Python script to add headers to the top of source files.
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# add headers to .h, .cpp, .c and .ino files automatically.
# the script will first list the files missing headers, then
# prompt for confirmation. The modification is made inplace.
# usage:
# <header file> <root dir>
# The script will first read the header template in <header file>,
# then scan for source files recursively from <root dir>.
import sys, os
import os.path as path
import fileinput
src_extensions = ['.h', '.cpp', '.c', '.ino']
def is_src_file(f):
results = [f.endswith(ext) for ext in src_extensions]
return True in results
def is_header_missing(f):
with open(f) as reader:
lines =
if len(lines) > 0: return not lines[0].startswith("/**")
return True
def get_src_files(dirname):
src_files = []
for cur, _dirs, files in os.walk(dirname):
[src_files.append(path.join(cur,f)) for f in files if is_src_file(f)]
return [f for f in src_files if is_header_missing(f)]
def add_headers(files, header):
for line in fileinput.input(files, inplace=True):
if fileinput.isfirstline():
[ print(h) for h in header.splitlines() ]
print(line, end="")
if __name__ == "__main__":
if len(sys.argv) < 3:
print("usage: %s <header file> <root dir>" % sys.argv[0])
args = [path.abspath(arg) for arg in sys.argv]
root_path = path.abspath(args[2])
header = open(args[1]).read()
files = get_src_files(root_path)
print("Files with missing headers:")
[print(" - %s" % f) for f in files]
print("Header: ")
confirm = input("proceed ? [y/N] ")
if confirm is not "y": exit(0)
add_headers(files, header)