10/27/2016 - 12:31 AM

INSERT INTO example. Template for inserting into Orders table. For use with 'INSERT INTO Customers TEMPLATE'.

INSERT INTO example. Template for inserting into Orders table. For use with 'INSERT INTO Customers TEMPLATE'.

(CustomerID, OrderDate, Company, Product, Price, PromoPoints, RefundCode)
(1, '1999-08-28', 'Monsanto', 'Toothpaste', 12.50, NULL, NULL),
(5, '1999-08-07', 'Grainger', 'Steak', 0.55, 6236, 'AKDH'),
(15, '2000-12-15', 'Laika Industries', 'Salt', 132.21, NULL, NULL),
(22, '2000-10-15', 'ATT', 'Sunglasses', 12.50, NULL, NULL),
(31, '2001-10-15', 'Grainger', 'Baseball Bat', 12.50, NULL, 'ANGE'),
(10, '2001-12-15', 'Grainger', 'Salt', 7.50, NULL, NULL),
(11, '2001-10-15', 'ATT', 'Salt', 2.50, NULL, NULL),
(11, '2001-10-15', 'Laika Industries', 'Chair', 122.79, 32623, 'IOWL'),
(2, '2002-10-15', 'Simonsen Industries', 'Chair', 18.99, 2362, NULL),
(28, '2002-10-15', 'Simonsen Industries', 'Guitar', 12.50, NULL, NULL),
(30, '2002-10-15', 'Simonsen Industries', 'Blanket', 12.50, NULL, NULL),
(9, '2004-06-12', 'Grainger', 'Steak', 125.89, NULL, 'XWXL'),
(8, '2005-10-15', 'AOL', 'Guitar', 200.50, 3623, 'IISL'),
(6, '2005-01-15', 'ATT', 'Salt', 1232.50, NULL, NULL),
(2, '2005-10-15', 'Grainger', 'Toothpaste', 22.50, NULL, NULL),
(1, '2006-10-15', 'Simonsen Industries', 'Hat', 15.11, NULL, 'MNWL'),
(1, '2006-02-28', 'Simonsen Industries', 'Baseball Bat', 122.50, NULL, NULL),
(2, '2008-02-17', 'ATT', 'Guitar', 89.89, NULL, NULL),
(2, '2008-10-15', 'ATT', 'Baseball Bat', 12.50, NULL, NULL),
(24, '2008-10-15', 'Grainger', 'Baseball Bat', 333.50, 2363, 'XMNE'),
(23, '2008-10-15', 'AOL', 'Keyboard Stand', 12.50, NULL, NULL),
(22, '2009-10-15', 'Fender', 'Computer', 1.24, NULL, NULL),
(17, '2010-10-15', 'Grainger', 'Hat', 7.22, NULL, NULL),
(20, '2010-03-27', 'AOL', 'Guitar', 1099.99, 23237, 'QIKW'),
(17, '2011-10-15', 'Fender', 'Hat', 27.27, NULL, NULL),
(28, '2011-07-17', 'Laika Industries', 'Baseball Bat', 15.21, NULL, NULL),
(31, '2011-10-15', 'Fender', 'Keyboard', 66.77, 2743, 'INNM'),
(12, '2012-04-22', 'Grainger', 'Salt', 999.99, NULL, NULL),
(4, '2013-10-15', 'Grainger', 'Keyboard', 21.77, 23723, NULL),
(6, '2014-05-01', 'Fender', 'Keyboard', 67.22, NULL, NULL),
(22, '2015-10-15', 'Grainger', 'Grainger', 66.66, NULL, NULL),
(8, '2016-03-03', 'AOL', 'Keyboard', 400.50, 2723, 'MMNM'),
(7, '2016-12-15', 'Fender', 'Keyboard Stand', 23.99, NULL, NULL),
(3, '2016-09-09', 'Simonsen Industries', 'Keyboard', 0.50, NULL, NULL),
(4, '2016-06-30', 'Simonsen Industries', 'Chair', 1.44, 7437, 'QQQH')