6/29/2013 - 4:58 PM

A list of Laravel's Schema commands (Laravel 4)

A list of Laravel's Schema commands (Laravel 4)


Schema::create('users' , function($table)

	$table->increments('id');	Incrementing ID to the table (primary key).
	$table->string('email');	VARCHAR equivalent column
	$table->string('name', 100);	VARCHAR equivalent with a length
	$table->integer('votes');	INTEGER equivalent to the table
	$table->bigInteger('votes');	BIGINT equivalent to the table
	$table->smallInteger('votes');	SMALLINT equivalent to the table
	$table->float('amount');	FLOAT equivalent to the table
	$table->decimal('amount', 5, 2);	DECIMAL equiv with a precision and scale
	$table->boolean('confirmed');	BOOLEAN equivalent to the table
	$table->date('created_at');	DATE equivalent to the table
	$table->dateTime('created_at');	DATETIME equivalent to the table
	$table->time('sunrise');	TIME equivalent to the table
	$table->timestamp('added_on');	TIMESTAMP equivalent to the table
	$table->timestamps();	Adds created_at and updated_at columns
	$table->softDeletes();	Adds deleted_at column for soft deletes
	$table->text('description');	TEXT equivalent to the table
	$table->binary('data');	BLOB equivalent to the table
	$table->enum('choices', array('foo', 'bar'));	ENUM equivalent to the table
	$table->engine = 'InnoDB'; 
	$table->foreign('user_id')->references('id')->on('users'); adding a foreign key
	$table->dropForeign('posts_user_id_foreign'); drop the foreign key

	Note: When creating a foreign key that references an incrementing integer, remember to always make 
	the foreign key column unsigned.
	// Create an Index for speed or foreign key support . 
	$table->string('email')->unique();	During column definition
	// Or, you may choose to add the indexes on separate lines
	$table->primary('id') ;	Adding a primary key
	$table->primary(array('first', 'last'));	Adding composite keys
	$table->unique('email');	Adding a unique index
	$table->index('state');	Adding a basic index
	// Droping Indexes
	$table->dropPrimary('users_id_primary');	Dropping a PK from the "users" table
	$table->dropUnique('users_email_unique');	Dropping a unique index from the "users" table
	$table->dropIndex('geo_state_index');	Dropping a basic index from the "geo" table

	->nullable()	Designate that the column allows NULL values
	->default($value)	Declare a default value for a column
	->unsigned()	Set INTEGER to UNSIGNED

//To rename an existing database table
Schema::rename($from, $to) ;

// Rename a column
Schema::table('users', function($table)
    $table->renameColumn('from', 'to');

//To drop a table
Schema::drop('users') ;
Schema::dropIfExists('users') ;

// Drop a column from a table
Schema::table('courses', function($table)

// Drop multiple columns 
Schema::table('users', function($table)
    $table->dropColumn('votes', 'avatar', 'location');

// Add an extra column (email)
Schema::table('users' , function($table)
    $table->string('email') ;

// Defining Storage Engine
Schema::create('users', function($table)
    $table->engine = 'InnoDB';


########################## Sentry's migrations ########################

		Schema::create('users', function($table)

			// We'll need to ensure that MySQL uses the InnoDB engine to
			// support the indexes, other engines aren't affected.
			$table->engine = 'InnoDB';

		Schema::create('groups', function($table)

			// We'll need to ensure that MySQL uses the InnoDB engine to
			// support the indexes, other engines aren't affected.
			$table->engine = 'InnoDB';

		Schema::create('users_groups', function($table)

			// We'll need to ensure that MySQL uses the InnoDB engine to
			// support the indexes, other engines aren't affected.
			$table->engine = 'InnoDB';
			$table->primary(array('user_id', 'group_id'));

		Schema::create('throttle', function($table)

			// We'll need to ensure that MySQL uses the InnoDB engine to
			// support the indexes, other engines aren't affected.
			$table->engine = 'InnoDB';