(.sandbox) airflow@4cd0ceac9940:~/airflow$ history
1 python -m venv .sandbox
2 source .sandbox/bin/activate
3 wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/apache/airflow/master/requirements/requirements-python3.8.txt
4 wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/apache/airflow/constraints-1.10.12/constraints-3.8.txt -O requirements-python3.8.txt
5 ls
6 pip install "apache-airflow[crypto,celery,postgres,kubernetes,docker]"==1.10.12 --constraint ./requirements-python3.8.txt
7 ls
8 airflow initdb
9 ls
10 cd airflow/
11 ls
12 head airflow.cfg
13 airflow scheduler &
14 airflow webserver &
15 history
- Docker image build from docker file :
- docker build -t airflow-basic .
- sudo docker run --rm -d -p 8080:8080 airflow-basic
-- rm : remove docker container as soon as container is stopped
-d: run container as deamon
- p expose 8080 port to 8080 on local
Enter a docker container with container ID:
sudo docker exec -it add52d26edfd /bin/bash